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Messages - ChrisLaurie

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Small button not displaying right
« on: November 24, 2010, 04:35:13 AM »
I have added the 'nt-small-button' CSS class to my webserver procedure. The buttons are smaller but appear vertical and over each other. See the attached pic.

What am I doing wrong?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / FormBrowse performance of hidden tabs
« on: November 23, 2010, 10:42:53 PM »
Hi All

I have a filter form that drives several browses, each on its own tab. This FormBrowse is called with a parameter that tells it which browse to display. Each tab then has a conditional display criteria.

This all works fine and I get a dynamic filter that is consistent across all browses.

My question is this: I can see from my debug trace that all the other browses are called, even if they are hidden. Also all the select browses that the form part uses are also called. Does this mean that the full back-end call to fill these hidden browses are also done? Is there a way to not call the browses or  selects until they are actually require? This would surely have a huge performance impact on me if I load lots and lots of browses from this one form.

Also it seems that the "Load Tabs on-demand" option does not work, it displays the word "spacer" and no data.

As they say in the classics "bummer".

Is it worth my while to ask when it will be in?

I'm unlikely to win a db-design debate that adds new serial numbers to some 30 tables in our 500 table dictionary. Some codes are unique in their own base files and then there are other base files with unique combinations of some of the codes.

Our methodology of codes is quite entrenched (read legacy with a lot of long time investment throughout the country) .

I have a browse/form on a table that has a three component unique key. When I hit the change button the form loads but with the record not found error message. The key component fields for the record show different values than the one that was highlighted.

It is as if the values of the key values are not stored properly for rereading when .

In fact the following shows that all three key components have different values of only the third component:

Is there some magic to get multi-component keys to work?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Manually control child browse
« on: July 01, 2007, 12:05:04 AM »
Well I thought I had it solved, but unfortunately not. The problem is how to get the browse on the first tab to set a session variable (its own primary value) as the user clicks on a new row.

If I have the browse that I want on the second tab as a child of the browse on the first tab then the child and the browse on the second tab refreshes as I want. Without the child it does not reset my browse on the second tab.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Manually control child browse
« on: June 29, 2007, 09:12:09 PM »
Hi All

I have a from with a parent browse on the first tab that needs to drive a child browse on the second tab. I cannot use a file relationship and want to do this with a filter.

Sort of: change row in parent and then when you change tabs reload the child with the appropriate records.

Any suggestions?



Web Server - Share Knowledge / Licensing and javascripts
« on: June 22, 2007, 10:17:49 PM »
Hi All

Now that we can build our own web servers/applications I started snooping around the internet for components to use, as becomes a member of the ultra lazy programmers club.

In an earlier reply to a question of mine regarding using javascript libraries, Bruce warned me against licensing - especially open source.

So my question is this: which licenses are acceptable and which are not.

A case in point: They have a lot of stuff I would like to use. Their license is LGPL (

This seems fine to me and OK, but what ro I know.

Your thoughts?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Multiple selects from 1 button
« on: June 21, 2007, 10:35:45 PM »
Thanx Bruce!

Wow! This dynamic saving of URLS through the session queue opens up all sorts of interesting possibilities. While the earning curve is sometines frustrating it is fun to play with new technologies!



Web Server - Share Knowledge / Uppercase input
« on: June 21, 2007, 12:37:44 PM »
To force an entry to uppercase:

1. Create global variable:
js:uppercase STRING('javascript:this.value=this.value.toUpperCase();')

2. In the entry field properties, client tab put that variable (no quotes) in the javascript hand-code entry filed (the onchange group).

The field will be made upper case when the user tabs off it.

Chris Laurie

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Session Variable Question
« on: June 21, 2007, 07:22:12 AM »
Hi Mike

AFAIK a session variable can store anything you want - it holds it value relative to the sessions connection.

I have a table called datasets where I store paths (relevant to the sserver). In my login the user must specify the dataset code. In my login form procedure I then look up the dataset and call a SyncDataset procedure that sets the {Prop:Name} of all the relevant tables. It also tries to oepn them and logs errors as well as set a session value and returns the error. If successful it stores the id of the dataset in a session variable the login goes through.

Then in the WebHandler procedure I get the DatasetId session variable and call the SyncDataset procedure and that resets the name for the current request.

I have also successfully parsed the incoming url for the dataset code and worked from there. This however requires some dns magic to make work:



Web Server - Ask For Help / Multiple selects from 1 button
« on: June 21, 2007, 01:36:36 AM »
Hi All

I have a droplist with three items (account type) and depending on which option is selected in the drop list I need to use a different select screen for another field (account number) as their are 3 possible source tables for the same number, depending on type.

How do I call and handle one of the 3 different select pages?

Also I need to make validation on entry and display the correct description. I assume I can just say send new value to server on the drop list and the correct value for account type is stored in the session queue for me to use.



Web Server - Ask For Help / How does validation work?
« on: June 20, 2007, 12:44:17 PM »
Hi All

I'm trying to figure out how to do validation in a form. I have a date field that the user enters. In the validate routine I take the date and find the appropriate defined period based on the entered dates and the start end dates of the period. If I find the appropriate period I update another field and all is ok. If I do NOT find a valid period, I change the comment to 'Date not in valid period. I also set loc:Invalid. The error comment display works but even though I set loc:Invalid the form still accepts the invalid date.

If I copy the validate code to validate record then the form will not take the date BUT the comment is not updated. I also expected the field to be colored?

So, what is best practise for doing field validations where the validations are more complex than simple range, alpha etc.



Your Views and Comments / Re: Is there CapeSoft buy-in?
« on: June 19, 2007, 04:02:14 AM »
I take your point Bruce. Still having a centralised point where one can enter and dicsuss issues gives one a few specific advantages:

  • A central repositry.
  • One can search it to see if it has come up before.
  • Other users of Nettalk can post their experirnces and work arounds.
  • One can discuss it with other users and sometimes developers.
  • Developers can quickly give you an indication of their perception of the issue and their willingness to attend to it.

This site is based on Joomla, I'm almost certain it has a an issue tracker of sorts, then again you don't own NetTalk Central s having it here will probably not make sense to you.

My 0.02



Web Server - Ask For Help / Implementing scriptaculous
« on: June 19, 2007, 12:55:31 AM »
Hi All

Any ideas on how to implement another javascript library? Specifically I'm lookig at the autocomplete functionality offered by scriptaculous. This library is built on top of prototype which I think Nettalk already use.

There are samples on the site using other frameworks and languages (Perl, PHP, Rails etc) but much of that is greek to me at the moment.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Images with tinymce
« on: June 19, 2007, 12:49:41 AM »
Hi All

How do I utilise the tiny mce funtionality that allows the user to specify and upload the image at the same time. In the demo site there is a small tree icon that does not come up in the Nettalk Webserver control.

When the user hits this he can either insert an exisiting image (using a complicated image filing interface) or upload a new image to be inserted into the message.



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