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Topics - Rene Simons

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13
Web Server - Ask For Help / Delete record without confirm
« on: September 13, 2009, 12:33:36 PM »

I would like to suppress the confirm message that appears when I delete a record from a file using EIP.
Especially when the file is not in abrowse but when the deletion happens to a record related to the records in the browse.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Reprise:Update Parent and child browse
« on: August 31, 2009, 09:21:05 AM »
Is there any way to update the parent and child browse after a button in either one has been used?


I have a form with a parent and child browse.
Both browses have a button in each line.
When I click the button in a parent browse line, I do some server side code.
Next I want the parent AND the child to refresh.
How can I achieve that??

Rene Simons

Web Server - Ask For Help / Dynamic file path
« on: August 12, 2009, 11:52:39 PM »
As described earlier in this forum, changing the filepath must be done in the webHandler | Processed link | before parent embed.
When I compile and run, an error appears telling me that the gsv method, which I use to retrieve certain data from the session, is not valid.
My question is: Can I use p_web methods at all in the webHandler?

Thank you,

Web Server - Ask For Help / NetTalk5
« on: August 12, 2009, 12:51:47 AM »
Hi Bruce,

As I understand from reading your replies, NetTalk5 is on it's way.
There is a significant difference between NetTalk 4 and NetTalk5 and that is the shift of the version number.
Does this imply there will be an (understandable) price tag attached to NetTalk5?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Lookup field
« on: July 27, 2009, 12:09:59 AM »

I have (again) a little problem with the lookup mechanism.
Consider the example data model I attached.
In this model I can have multiple administrations and each administrations has its own set of departments.
When I want to add or maintain a person within an Administration, and I want to select a Department for that person How can I do that usun a lookup button?
Bear in mind that the unique key of the Department table consists of two fields (I need that here) but the lookup field can only contain one value.
I do not wish to use a droplist because the number of departments can grow very large. And I think it is more user friendly this way to show the code (for code minded users).

I'm looking forward to any suggestions.

Rene Simons

[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Capitalize
« on: July 16, 2009, 12:11:32 PM »
When I set the case of a the Initials field to capitalize (validation tab) (People can have initials Like Th. or Chr. that's why I use capitalize).
However...... When I type M.R.C as initials, They look fine (uppercase) in the form. In the file They look like M.r.c..


Web Server - Ask For Help / Use NetWebSource in a form
« on: July 12, 2009, 09:57:28 PM »
I want to embed HTML, produced by a NetWebSource into a Form.
What I have done is:
  • Create a web form.
  • Insert a browse (but in fact is is just some other HTML stuff, generated by my NetWebSource, but certainly not a browse).
  • Run it.
Is this a/the proper way to do it or is there a more efficient way to do it??

Kind regards,

Web Server - Ask For Help / Strange Tab-key behaviour
« on: June 09, 2009, 12:42:56 PM »
When, in af orm, I use the Tab-key to go to the next entry field, the cursor mysteriously jumps back to the field I am attempting to leave. Then I Tab again and all is well.
What's going on here???

Web Server - Ask For Help / Hosting NTWS in The Netherlands
« on: June 09, 2009, 12:09:09 PM »
Does anyone know a hosting service in The Netherlands that hosts NTWS sites?
Rene Simons

Your Views and Comments / Status of the Nettalk product
« on: May 11, 2009, 05:48:02 AM »

I am a big fan of this site. It has helped me a lot but also it confuses me a lot.
In the upper left cornder of the page I can read that NetTalk 4.29 is out now...or is it the NetTalk Candidate Release version 4.31????
There is no fixed reference point where I can get info on the current state of NetTalk.
Sometimes I think I can read between the lines that a new build ha been released and I take the gamble and download the stuff.
I know that the "in between" builds are to be downloaded at my own risc and so on but still, it might be handy when there is one spot on this site where I can find the exact status of NetTalk.

Thanks al lot,

Rene Simons

Hi all,

After loading PR35 AND copying the web-folder from libsrc to my app folder, the entire application has shifted a few px to the left. I.e. The buttons "touch" the rim of the screen. Is this a css issue and how can I fix this?

Kind regards,

Web Server - Ask For Help / Scroll bar
« on: April 11, 2009, 01:23:07 AM »
I want to give my FILE LOADED browses vertical scroll bar.
The way I intend to do that is by embedding a

packet = clip(packet) & '<div style="height:100;width=150;overflow:auto;">'; do SendPacket

in embedpoint: 2 Before Browse Loop / 6 Before Browse <table>

and a

packet = clip(packet) & '</div>'; do SendPacket

in embedpoint: 7 After Browse <table>

Of course the height and width have to be adjusted to get the right size.
(Maybe there is a way to retrieve the table width from the template????)
Also I don't mind that the column headers of the browse will scroll off the page  :).

'till Sofar, these settings have no effect whatsoever.
I can see the embedded code inthe page's source code

Can anyone help me out here??

Happy Easter
Rene Simons

Web Server - Ask For Help / Footprint
« on: March 24, 2009, 01:05:50 AM »
Is it possible to figure out the footprint that a session has in the system, in terms of minimum/average/maximum memory use per session? This might be interesting when it comes to anwering questions from customer's system administrators.

I use data base fields as read only.
When the original input field is a required field (cannot be zeros or blanks.  in dct), the text "Must not be zeros or blanks" keeps appearing behind the read only ones
Is there anything I can do about that??

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