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Messages - ccordes

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When will 47 be available?
I just updated to 6.46 and this breaks on any form to do anything.
My bad - other buttons do work. It is a problem with popup.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Ampersand in data causing an issue
« on: October 12, 2012, 05:54:32 AM »
Thanks for the nudge, Rob & Bill. First step will be to update NT

Bruce - Without getting into too much detail, I have a bunch of code in a large app that uses the sessionid and didn't have time to find what would break by changing that to a string.
I guess I'm about to find out, though, because I downloaded the latest release.

The good news is that, for this app, it fixes the problem. Ampersands are displayed correctly.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Ampersand in data causing an issue
« on: October 11, 2012, 11:09:37 AM »
I know I'm behind the times using ver 6.26  (the session Id change scared me off.)

We're having a problem in 2 sites - when the data has an ampersand (&) the page won't display properly or at all.

Any suggestions? Will an update help?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Browse in Form filter problem
« on: June 19, 2012, 07:22:34 AM »
Boy, I HOPE it works; I use inlist a lot in filters rather than a string of ORs.

- Just on the CWTalk - Mark suggests that inlist uses strings as the list not longs. so inlist(ord:stat,'1','2','3') not inlist(ord:stat,1,2,3)

I'll try it.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Browse in Form filter problem
« on: June 18, 2012, 06:56:37 AM »
ord:status is a long.

pretty sure it is bound by adding to the hot fields list, but I will check that.
Does it need to be bound in the form as well?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Browse in Form filter problem
« on: June 15, 2012, 04:30:14 PM »
I have a browse in a memory form that has a radio buttons to set a filter.
This browse is also used elsewhere without the form and works.

My question is about the filter I'm using. The ord:status field is a long. It holds the status of the order.
The browse uses this filter
-    'inlist(ord:status,'&p_web.gsv('ReqStatus')&')'
, where ReqStatus is the requested status or a list of related statuses. So it could be '7' or it could be '7,9,24'
Outside of the form this works fine.
Inside the form it only works if the filter is 'ord:status='&p_web.gsv('ReqStatus')
The Form Radio field is called ReqStatus string(10) to allow for multiple statuses if needed.
ord:status is in the hotfields.
I have the "Child of" filter first in the list of conditional filters.

In debugview I can see the view filter property being set
[8188] [netTrace][thread=3] (1216491978:3)_Filter: inlist(ord:status,7) - In the form doesn't work.
[8188] [netTrace][thread=3] (1216491978:3)_Filter: inlist(Ord:Status,8,7,9,24) - Outside the form does work.
[8392] [netTrace][thread=3] (179983165:3)_Filter: ord:status=7 - Inside the form, does work.

Any suggestion as to why this might be happening or what I could try next?

Thanks much,
chris C


As a test, you could move the server's folder from the NAS drive to a local drive and run it. Depending on how often this happens, you would have more information on the problem pretty quickly.
The network connection outage sounds like a possible trigger if the server were trying to access a file and got the file not found - abort message. If that's the case, restarting the server doesn't solve the real problem - a wonky network connection. The end user's session still gets trashed and you then have to deal with half a transaction somewhere.


So far that has been the only reason I have found for what you are describing.
I do not recall if the messagebox reports the error or not because the default button causes a halt.
I'll be interested to see what you find.



Are you using messagebox to take care of messages?
Do you have messagebox set to time out and use the default button?
Are you compiled with debug turned on?

ABFILE has a bunch of Asserts for file errors.
In particular -
     ASSERT(FALSE, 'You are calling CLOSE(' & NAME(SELF.File) & ') instead of FileManager.Close()')

This pops up a message and the default button is - GPF.

You will get no message from the server - it just seems to disappear.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Strange Tab behavior
« on: March 24, 2012, 05:38:45 PM »
Answering my own questions.
As usual, I was doing too much. I got the sample to work well enough to show what was going wrong. a single session value was all that was needed. Flip it on and off toggled the entry and warning tabs. Very effective.

BUT - in doing that I found that code that I had in the server code embed after my lookup wasn't reliable. It was ignoring the code I had placed after the lookup routine to do some relational gets.

I noticed that the AfterLookup routine is called AFTER the validation "Server code" embed. Why is that?
That makes it impossible to use the looked up information to be used in the validation.
I copied it -   p_Web.SetValue('lookupfield','Ord:InvId')
        do AfterLookup
into the embed before my validation and lo and behold everything is working!

I have to ask wouldn't it be better to have that after lookup code after the Do ValidateValue::fieldname line BEFORE the server code embed?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Strange Tab behavior
« on: March 23, 2012, 12:04:27 PM »
Bruce - I upgraded to 6.26 and tried making a sample starting with the TABS(57) example. Those tabs don't work either even before I tried my stuff.

Could you take a look at that? I copied in the new web folder and fiddled with the menu to make it look ok, but the tabs seem to be nroken.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Strange Tab behavior
« on: March 23, 2012, 05:31:20 AM »
It seems to be connected more to the way I use sendalert inside routines rather than just exiting a routine with loc:invalid set to something.
This is a fairly involved form, but maybe making it into a sample would cause me to see what I'm doing.

I'm not sure of the correct way to cause the tabs to hide and unhide. And whether the problem is possibly having loc:invalid being set to a field on the hidden tab.

The Save button is what puzzles me, too. If there is an error and I exit from ValidateAll, why is it still trying to go to the URL on Save instead of reloading the form?

Any suggestions on those 2 points?

In the meantime, if I can make a sample, I'll send it to you. If I figure it out, I'll post the answer.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Strange Tab behavior
« on: March 22, 2012, 11:38:10 AM »
I have a form that has 3 tabs. I'm using the Rounded form so the tabs open one beneath the other.
2 of the tabs are for normal data entry and the 3rd is for the user to handle an error condition.
Because of the way users are, I want to hide the 2 entry tabs while displaying the error tab and vice versa.
This all seems to work well enough until the user hits Save. Then the processing is supposed to move to a payment method page.
When the payment page is attempted, I get just raw HTML code in the browser starting with this -

<script defer="defer">
jQuery(function() {jQuery("#UpdateOrders_frm").ntform("showTab",2);});

<script defer="defer">
jQuery(function() {jQuery("#UpdateOrders_frm").ntform("showTab",0);});

<script defer="defer">
jQuery(function() {jQuery("#UpdateOrders_frm").ntform("hideTab",1);});

<script defer="defer">
jQuery(function() {jQuery("#UpdateOrders_frm").ntform("showTab",2);});

<script defer="defer">
jQuery(function() {jQuery("#UpdateOrders_frm").ntform("showTab",0);});

<script defer="defer">
jQuery(function() {jQuery("#UpdateOrders_frm").ntform("hideTab",1);});

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 18:55:54 GMT

That looks like the tabs code was still in the packet when the payments page is loaded. The http/ ... etc is the header of the payments page.

I've been flailing at this for a day or so now.
Can anyone give me a clue where I might look to see where I went wrong?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Setting Icon For Mobile Web App Home Page
« on: February 22, 2012, 11:30:44 AM »
Try 'apple-touch-icon-precomposed' for android
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="IMAGE-NAME" />


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