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Messages - mtabakin

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OK I reread the documentation and noted the "issue" with TXA import in C6. So I tried exporting the procedures from Web51 example and still had some (but fewer) problems including some dictionary issues. Finally tried importing the procedures that still had problems directly from the Web51 application and that seemed to work. After some more clean-up the compile is clean  and the NTWS with Secwin is runable. Still having some login issues with the email when Creating a New User but hopefully I can work my way through these.

I added Secwin 6.20 to a NTWS application following the steps in the "JumpStart: Adding Runtime Access control to a NetTalk Webserver application" found in the secwin_bruce.htm document.  When I compile I get two errors in the SecwinWebUserGroupForm procedure:
1: Expected: <operand> ( + - < > CHOOSE
2. No matching prototype available

The attached text file notes the errors in the Value::Secwin_UGLevel  Routine in the procedure SecwinWebUserGroupForm. The error lines are noted with <<<<<<<<< ERROR.

Did I miss a step in the JumpStart or is there something else wrong? I've tried to find where the missing information is set but have not been successful.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Thanks Bruce. I see your point about using the same Unique Application Name for both applications. I "think" I remember there's a way or method to copy users from one Secwin application to another so I could at least "pre-load" the new NTWS application with the users from the Desktop Secwin logins OR are am I mistaken? The Desktop Secwin users have already gone through the approval process and have defined access levels, it would be nice to carry these over and just let the new users self identify and go through approval. Possible/easy?

Thanks Bruce. doesn't pay to over think a problem!

Web Server - Ask For Help / Embedding dynamic image file on web page
« on: March 19, 2013, 08:14:20 PM »
I have a NTWS application that has a login screen. After successful login the user is taken to a "welcome" page that is just a static html page plus a menu. I want to embed a jpg file on this page that the client can change with various "messages" to the end user of the site. I've tried using <!-- Net:f:FileName --> and even
<!-- Net:f:mytext.txt -->
But nothing is displayed. How do I embed the myfile.jpg onto a web page and where to I place the code to do it?

I have an existing desktop application that connects to an SQL database on a cloud server. This application uses Secwin for login security. The following tables already exist in the DQL database:

I will be developing a NTWS application to access the same SQL database and want to use Secwin in the login similar to the NTWS Secwin example. The NTWS login will be using the "Self User Insertion" for initial login with a Captcha if they do not already have an existing Secwin login from the desktop application. Initially the self user insertion users will have very limited access until "vetted" after which they will be assigned to the correct "user group" for access.

1. My question is will I run into any trouble using the Secwin tables for both applications?
2. I assume I can follow the steps in the Jumpstart: Adding Runtime Access control to al NTWS application and just skip the step of importing the Secwin tables. Is this correct?
3. Also would I use the same Unique Application Name in the Secwin Global template since I want to access the same set of user credentials?
4. Since the NTWS would be running on the same cloud server as the SQL database I don't see any connections issues once the NTWS application makes the SQL DB connection and assume the NTWS can keep the sessions separate from one another.

BTW this will be NT 7.06 (or 7.07 when it becomes available).
Any other issues I need to address?   

Been off fighting fires and will try to get client to forward sample e-mails to me.

But in the meantime another "potential" issue seems to have appeared. This application is based upon the code found in the example "". Since NT 6.48 came out I decided to recompile my app and see what happens. I have noticed that now every time the program runs it downloads all the email each time. The emails.xml file is getting built and read in but still all the emails get downloaded each time. So I compiled the example and ran it. Now am I right in understanding that this example should only download a given email once, keeping track of them in the emails.xml file? This does not appear to be the case. Each time I ran the example program it re-downloaded all the emails present on the server which by the way is at So what is happening in my app is also happening in your example. Or am I misunderstanding what this example is supposed to be demonstrating?

Don't know whether this is related to the missing body text issue I initially contacted you about but it is an issue unto itself if my understanding of the example is correct.

Hi Bruce,

Didn't get to the client until today. Here's three eml files of the e-mails where the TextMessage queue entry did not have the text of the message. Hopefully it shows you something.

[attachment deleted by admin]

E-Mail - Ask For Help / ourMailQ.TextMessage does not have text of message
« on: September 25, 2012, 12:43:28 PM »
Built a program to receive emails and based upon the Sender extract 140 characters of the message body and send an email (actually an SMS message) to a cell phone. This program used code from the NT example "Email Receive With Dont Download Again" for most of the processing. If the Sender (ourMailQ.From) is in the list of senders I want to trap, then I extracted 140 characters from ourMailQ.TextMessage after stripping out leading blanks to compose an outgoing (SMS) message to the cell phone. All seemed to be working well for quite a few months (this was developed in May 2012) but now the ourMailQ.TextMessage does not seem to aways seem to contain the "text" of the message. Sometime it has the text "This is a multipart message in MIME format". Has something changed or am I going about grabbing the text of the email in the wrong manner?

Hi Bruce,

Upgraded to NT 6.31 (C63) and recompiled the CS IMAP example Still getting errors although different than before. Also tried the C8 example and it gives the same errors. Ran receive.exe with the /netall debugging parameter and have attached the log file. The connection information for the client is the same as I sent you in a private email. Hope this helps tracking down the IMAP problem. Thanks.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Because this deals with an active client I don't want to post the reply here. I'll send it to you separately. Thanks.

I need to implement an IMAP client so I compiled the NetTalk 6.29 IMAP client example "". When I run it I do connect to the IMAP host and get the number of messages in the various folders but get the following errors and can not retrieve or see any of the messages:

From NetTalk........

A network communication error occurred
Error = Error - 102 The response was invalid or incomplete [Too few Response entries]
Error occurred in function NetImap.DoneStatus

This is followed by...........

A network communication error occurred
Error = Error - 102 The response was invalid or incomplete [Undetermined section]
Error occurred in function NetImap.SplitResponse

Followed by.............

A network communication error occurred
Error = Error - 112 Invalid or malformed STATUS response. [Not a STATUS response]
Error occurred in function NetImap.ParseStatus

The NetTalk example "Response" window shows the following:

Command: STATUS
* Bad expected 1*<any ASTRING_CHAR expect '+'>
instead of "\"
a001 BAD expected closing DQUOTE

If I setup the IMAP connection in Microsoft Outlook Express I get the folders and all the messages.

I'm using C6.3 with NetTalk 6.29. Anyone know what these errors mean and what I need to do to get the NetTalk IMAP client example to work?

Web Server - Ask For Help / NTWS hosting sites - Oak Park Solutions
« on: November 16, 2010, 01:21:28 PM »
Does anyone have any experience or comment regarding using Oak Park Solutions as a NTWS hosting site?

Anyone using another vendor to host their NTWS site?


Mike Tabakin

Dropped the NT4 FTP templates into a C55 legacy app to automatically download a file. Works great but........

One of my clients uses a Windows XP to run Terminal Server on a Windows 2008 server. Once logged into the 2008 server they click a link to the program with the FTP download - the link is to run the program on a Windows 2003 server. This generates the following error:

Errorcode: -57/0
Error: The FTP connection was idle and was closed.

If they go to the 2003 server and run the program from there, all is well and the FTP download is successful.

I know it has to do with how they are accessing the program from the XP to the 2008 svr to the 2003 svr, but am not sure where to start looking. "FTP connection was idle" - any more information about what this error really means?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


I agree that it must be the RUN command because there is no code between FTP_DownloadFile(.......) and RUN(....) but the call to RUN is always the same and a error is only generated if you do FTP_DownloadFile.

My client was just a little concerned that there was a "problem with NetTalk stuff"  that might cause other syst3em problems, although as I said perviously there is no indication of ant problem and I do have procedures using NetTalk e-mail functionality. I'm not loosing sleep over this but I said I would check it out.

Have a good day.

Mike Tabakin

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