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Topics - Gregg Matteson

Pages: 1 [2]
Web Server - Ask For Help / Version 4.26 issue?
« on: June 22, 2007, 08:18:24 AM »
installed 4.26 and copied the web directory to my working web directory and recompiled. Everything looks good except the chrome menu. in 4.25 the menu items were placed horizontally on the menu bar. in 4.26 they are vertical and don't look quite right.

Anyone else have this issue or have I missed something?

Thanks in advance,

Gregg Matteson

Thought I'd start a thread of hopefully helpful hints for those just getting started...

If you intend to create a web app that uses static pages -
1. decide if the pages will be fixed width, how wide they will be and if centered or not. ( reasoning-  The above factors will dictate the design that fits for some screens. Example, a procedure with two or more tables side by side might not work out if you decide to make your static pages fixed width centered at 700 pixels.)

2. Use a static page for a procedure or two to see how the above all plays out then change the links back to the regular non-static urls until you have most if not all of your site complete.  This will save you a lot of grief and time.

From experience I can tell you that if I had it to do over again I would do it this way.


Gregg Matteson

Your Views and Comments / Members only posts?
« on: June 18, 2007, 04:14:10 AM »
Is there any way to create a post / thread that is accessible ONLY by members?

The ONLY reason I ask is that it would be nice to be able to share a demo site with members and at the same time limit traffic/bandwidth by only allowing forum members access.

Just curious.

Thank you for this resource. I expect this will become very popular.



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