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Topics - wasatchconsulting

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Web Server - Ask For Help / Browse refresh not working on newer browsers
« on: August 11, 2022, 02:34:01 PM »
I have code in the "Server-side code" which deletes a record in the browse. I have the checkbox to refresh the whole browse after the server side code runs.

When I test this on a server 2012 using Chrome, it works fine. When I test it on an Android phone the browse does not refresh. Just not sure where I can figure out where the issue is at.

Ken Watts
Wasatch Consulting Service

Web Server - Ask For Help / Curl Command
« on: October 19, 2021, 10:48:25 AM »
I am trying to post a curl statement for sending SMS messages and I it is not going through. They give the example cUrl statement as below.

curl -X "POST" "" \
  -d "from=18339143526" \
  -d "text=A text message sent using the Vonage SMS API" \
  -d "to=18015575583" \
  -d "api_key=74ab237f" \
  -d "api_secret=s1n2GPpsWr0QBd2M"

If I place it in an onlline cURL testing it works, but how would I enter using NetTalk?

Ken Watts

Web Server - Ask For Help / Secwin and Second Factor
« on: August 15, 2021, 06:47:28 PM »
I was testing the Secwin 7 in NetTalk 12 with the second factor. I tested the example using the second factor with email. The login comes up asking for the code, but no email is getting sent. I placed a STOP in the procedure for sending the email and I am not getting a break. I am using the default Secwin login procedure. Any ideas as to what I can try?

Ken Watts

Web Server - Ask For Help / Sending Token
« on: August 11, 2021, 10:36:14 AM »
I am using NT12 and I have the following that works great when tested using a curl testing program. It is returning a JSON response.

curl -H "apikey: a123456c-07dd-4bec-974f-b9f7c217f4a6"

In NT I have:
ThisWebClient.ContentType = 'application/json'
ThisWebClient.Authorization = 'Token a123456c-07dd-4bec-974f-b9f7c217f4a6'

The response I get back is "Invalid Api Key"
Any ideas of what to change?

Ken Watts

Web Server - Ask For Help / SelectField not working
« on: September 17, 2020, 11:52:23 AM »
I have several field on a window. Once the user enters the first two fields (out of 5 total fields), the user can press a button to perform some code and then it clears the fields and then I would like the code to set focus to the first field again and ready for the user to enter text in the field again. The code runs just fine, but when I issue p_web.SetValue('SelectField',clip(loc:formname) & '.LOC:ItemNumber'), instead of setting focus to the first field, none of the fields have focus. I am placing this code in the "Add Late Server Side Code" at priority 5000 of the button being clicked.

Any help would be appreciated.
Ken Watts

Web Server - Ask For Help / Parent/Child Issue
« on: February 09, 2020, 01:37:52 PM »
I am trying to get a parent/child process working. I have followed example 25, but I must be missing something. I add a new parent record and all is well if I just save the record without trying to add a child record. If I start to add a parent record and then add a child record (without clicking on the save button of the parent first), the record is auto incremented and the child shows the correct parent ID, but as soon as I save the child record, it returns back to the parent record, the parent record now has a new ID and of course no child records show. If I try to save the parent record, it returns back to the child record page instead of the parent list. If you try to cancel, it goes back to the parent update page with a new ID and if you try to click on the cancel on the parent it returns back to the child page. It is in an endless loop. I can use the browser back button to get back to the parent list page, but now it has saved several parent records and clicking on delete does not delete anything and clicking on change gives me a fetch error.

I can upload the file to review if needed. Just don't know what I am doing wrong.

Ken Watts

Web Server - Ask For Help / File sent in email is empty
« on: June 20, 2017, 03:11:01 PM »
I am using NetTalk 9 and I am trying to send a text file as an attachment via email. The email is sent with an attachment, but the file getting sent is empty. Yet the file on the computer does have data in it. The process creates the file and then I use the NetTalk to send the email.

Any idea as to why this would happen? Am I missing something?

Ken Watts

Web Server - Ask For Help / MSSQL Text field processing
« on: November 08, 2015, 11:27:41 PM »
I have am reading a MSSQL table with a "Text" field. This is translated as a "Blob" in Clarion. NetTalk crashes trying to read this file directly, so I have used the String Theory "FromBlob" to read the field successfully, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get this to display. I have created a local variable to hold the data and it does get the data "in certain embeds", but does not show. I have placed the code to get the data in the "PreUpdate" start embed which does place the data in the local variable, but again, nothing on the screen shows. Tried using "do Refresh::Local", but this causing unexpected results at this point.

Ken Watts

Web Server - Ask For Help / net:f:filename
« on: October 26, 2015, 10:53:12 AM »
I am trying to use the "net:f:filename" to add some static code. If I go into the "IndexPage" procedure and add Xhtml to "After <body>" and type in "<!-- Net:f:filename.html -->" it does not bring in the specified file. Right now the file just says "<p>test</p>", but yet I get nothing. I am doing this incorrectly?


I just upgraded to Nettalk 8 and the new compiled program will not run. It is giving me an error 90 - Nettalk object and dll do not match. What files is the program not matching? I moved the new web folder into place.

Nettalk 8.07 with Clarion 8

Ken Watts

Web Server - Ask For Help / Record not found 5
« on: September 05, 2013, 10:45:39 AM »
I have a browse form with a "contains" locator. I am getting a behavior that is different when using external URL verses using "localhost".

On the localhost, if I type in a string to search and press the "Enter Key" and then I need to click on the row twice to get it to pop up.

Using the external URL, it I type in a string to search and press the "Enter Key" and then I click on the row it gives me "Record Not Found (5) error 0 from Key". Close the error and click on the row again and all is well again.

It appears that there is "timing" issue only if the "Enter Key" is used. The localhost just deals with the issue different verses using the external URL. If I use the "Tab Key" in both, the behavior is just fine. Enter the string and press tab and then click on the row and it works the first time. It only appears to be an issue when using the "Enter Key".

If the external URL acted like the localhost, I would be okay, but the end user is getting the error. It becomes more difficult to test an "example" app using an external URL.

I am using Nettalk 7.22

Any thoughts as to what this issue might be, I would appreciate it.

Ken Watts
Wasatch Consulting Services

Web Server - Ask For Help / Processing PHP in XHmtl tab not working
« on: August 07, 2013, 04:37:56 PM »
I would like to run some PHP in the XHtml to post code based on a condition. I wanted to test this using the example in the PHP (58) folder (which I renamed to PHP) for this. The "pattern.php" runs just fine, but the same code in the XHtml tab in the MailboxesFormControl does not run in the example. It prints the code after the "print" command.

I would like to post the following PHP code in the PageHeaderTag procedure at the TOP:

     if(stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],"test",0) > 0);?>
        <img src="images/test01.png"/>
<?php else;?>
        <img src="images/test02.png"/>
<?php endif;?>


Looking To Hire / Nettalk Web Server Project
« on: July 26, 2013, 08:17:19 AM »
I am looking for some assistance in a Nettalk website. I have the base, but I need to get the project a bigger jump start to get the website up and running with ordering process and working as I need it. This is working with MSSQL.

Please contact me by email at

Ken Watts
Wasatch Consulting Services

Web Server - Ask For Help / Accessing another MSSQL table issue
« on: July 24, 2013, 06:44:55 PM »
This was working prior to version 7.12.

I have run into an issue with accessing an additional MSSQL table in the code to gather some additional information. The tables are related and I can add this as a related table to the primary table, but this ends up creating multiple rows for each primary record as there are multiple records in the child table.

I include the required table in the "Other Files" section for the procedure. When I try to access the file I get "connection is busy - s1000" error. I have the MARS option on the table, I even checked the code, but yet it still gives me this error.

Ken Watts
Wasatch Consulting Services

Web Server - Ask For Help / Calling form without browse
« on: July 16, 2013, 02:39:05 PM »
I am trying to call a form without a browse. I have the unique record id stored in a session value and so I have placed the following code in the INITFORM embed in the form:


This just keeps giving me an alert indicating that the record cannot be found (error -2). This is on an MSSQL table.

Thanks for your help.

Ken Watts
Wasatch Consulting Services

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