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Topics - terryd

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Tracing down slow processes
« on: July 13, 2016, 12:49:41 AM »
I have the attached performance breakdown on one of my applications.
Is there a way to establish from within Nettalk what procedures are causing the delays in the <5 group.
I am hoping somewhere in webhandler where these values are calculated is the place.

I have a form where The user selects a drop down on FIL:field1.
Once this dropdown is selected I unhide FIL:field2.
I want to set focus to that unhidden FIL:field2
In  FIL:field1 on the drop tab there is a field 'When accepted, set focus'
What do I need to enter in this field to set focus to FIL:field2?
I have tried FIL:field2 but the cursor jumps to the first field in the form

Web Server - Ask For Help / Serving an alternate requested file
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:59:25 AM »
I have this code in my WebHandler _SendFile Procedure before the Parent Call
IF  p_web.GetValue('myuniqueparameter') = 1
    SaveFileName = st.FileNameOnly(p_FileName)
    p_web.HeaderDetails.ContentDisposition = 'attachment; filename= '  & SaveFileName
It works perfectly giving the user the choice of opening using the default view type or saving the file with the name stored in SaveFileName.
I use tif images to store the files because it is easy to attach pages to an existing document.
I now want to serve a pdf version of the file to the user when he requests a document.
I already have a source procedure which I have created which uses PDFTools to create a PDF image from a tif.
p_FileName contains the absolute location of the tif image
My proposed solution is to create the pdf using p_FileName as the source and the created pdf image in the web folder.
Then set p_FileName to the location of the created PDF image

Like this:
IF  p_web.GetValue('myuniqueparameter') = 1
    loc:PDFName = 'web\POD368.pdf'                                   !allocate pdf name                      
    TifToPDF(CLIP(p_FileName,CLIP(loc:PDFName)               !create a pdf copy of the tif image in web folder
    p_FileName = CLIP(loc:PDFFileName)   
    SaveFileName = st.FileNameOnly(p_FileName)
    p_web.HeaderDetails.ContentDisposition = 'attachment; filename= '  & SaveFileName

Does this make sense? Is there a better way?
Doing it this way results in the attached image
IF I save the document it is correct i.e. it is the PDF file and can be opened with a PDF viewer. However the viewer still thinks it is a tif image (see attached image) and uses the default tif viewer to open the file.
How would I convince the browser that the substituted image is now pdf if I want to open it?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Advice/suggestions on an Exam procedure
« on: March 01, 2016, 02:24:23 AM »
I hadn't read the How to make a form popup thread before posting this message so some of my quesries mya be answered there
Hi everyone
I'm looking for advice and suggestions
I have a question table
the fields are
QuestionID: kenrq2-65m50b9ttt
Question: What is my name
CorrectAnswerNo: 3
Answer1: John
Answer2: Brian
Answer3: Terry
Answer4: Oswald

I select a number of questions (say 10) randomly from the table
I now have a Memory table
SessionID: jdasd9rwrwrwrwr
UserID: 5353535fsff
QuestionSequence 1
QuestionID: kenrq2-65m50b9ttt

SessionID: jdasd9rwrwrwrwr
UserID: 5353535fsff
QuestionSequence 2
QuestionID: t665lm6-itetettte

What I now want to do is to loop through the 10 questions, bring up a memory form showing the question with each of the answers and next to each answer a checkbox where the user can check against the answer he thinks is correct. I will have to check that only one answer is checked and if another is checked then the previous check is removed.
At the end of the question set I would bring up a browse displaying all the questions with next to them the selected answers wording
What is my Name   Oswald
What is your name   John
with an inline change button allowing the user to change an answer if they are not happy.
Once they have completed the test (click the renamed close button) I would then calculate the success percentage and announce the result( via a alert popup) and write the result into a table

Is the above the best way to go about this?
Any suggestions for a better way?

The webservice that I need to connect to has fields like this but the fields are not required fields

If I capture fields the raw data looks like this

Is the format of the IDNo and CompnayName OK, or should it be created as <IDNo></IDNo> ?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Exception error C0000005 on entering a form
« on: February 08, 2016, 04:48:06 AM »
I have just got this error in a fairly complex Net web form. I haven't modified the form in about a month or so but I have modified tables that the form uses although other procedures using the tables don't appear to be affected.
From what I can establish on the Internet the error is related to writing to an invalid memory address possibly caused by dividing by 0 or some similar error.
Since I didn't change the procedure I am not sure what would cause this.
What process should I follow to track down the problem.
Although this is in a Nettalk application it doesn't appear to be a Nettalk problem so I am going to post in the Clarion user group as well.
I upgraded to Clarion 12055 and, as is normal, wonder if this could have any effect.

I have an application using a Netwebform set to a wizard Tab style.
The original height of the wizard seems to be determined by the height of the tallest tab in the form.
In one of the tabs I perform a test and based on the result I display a series of check boxes. One of the tests unhides 9 fields which then overflows the display area and overwrites the Previous/Next/Save/Cancel buttons area.
In this instance I have worked around it by displaying 2 check boxes per line but in the future this may not be a practical solution.
Would it be possible to regenerate to form if this happens?
My other alternative is to leave the fields unhidden at form generation and hide them afterwards and then unhide them again based on the test.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Tooltip on a menu item
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:04:10 PM »
Is there a way to place a tooltip on a menu item?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Incorrect data exported NT901
« on: January 30, 2016, 06:54:00 AM »
Hi Bruce.
I have a Device table which is a child of a Product table.
If I highlight a product the linked devices are displayed in the child browse.(BrowseExport.png)
I have an export button which when I click it I get an xml file with incorrect information (xmlfile.png)
Whatever product I display the xml information reflects the contents of the Device attached to the first product displayed in the browse  (Record attached.png)

As a secondary question if I only have a browse with no form attached the Export button does not appear.
Is there a reason why there must be a form?
The Export button will display if I attach a form even it has no fields.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Query on webservice Date example
« on: January 13, 2016, 02:10:59 AM »
I was running though the Web77 Examples.
Running the mySystem/date example I notice that the documentation for Get (3.png) shows http/1.1.
If I look at the client application and look at the Request I see that it has http:/1.0 (1.png)
The response shows http/1.1 (2.png)
1.)Is this OK?
2.)Where in the code can I find where the request generates http:/1.0

[attachment deleted by admin]

I have installed a webserver application on a server.
Ir works using various ports;- 88/90/1001/92 etc but not on port 80.
IIS was installed on the server but has been removed and the server restarted.
If I run netstat -ano in command line I see that PID 4 is listening on port 80.
From Task Manager I see that PID4 is  NTKernel and system.
Is this what is interfering with the webserver?
OK Google is your friend. I found this link
which told me to do this:
netsh http show servicestate
and look for this:
Registered URLs:
which have taken over the port.
If I stop these services, take over the port and then restart them will there be issues or will they go and look for another port and be comfortable with it?

Attached is the Web14 ReportPrinting with PDFtools
All I have done is created a new menu Item called Print Test which calls the MailboxesReport which is normally called by Report\Options then Download Link.
I have placed a trace p_web._trace('loc:PDFName ' & CLIP(loc:PDFName)) in Prime Report Options when run in Web Mode
When I run Report\Options then Download Link the report is generated and I get a download link. The file nominated in loc:PDFName is in the report folder exactly as in loc:PDFName.
When I run exactly the same report from Print Test The generated PDF is displayed on the screen and even though loc:PDFName has a location and filename pointing to the report folder no file is generated in that folder at any time.

So my first question is:- What makes the MailboxesReport procedure create a $$$$nnnn.pdffile in the web\report folder ready to be downloaded when called from Report\Options then Download, but does not create a file in that folder when the report is called directly from a menu, or I assume , from a source procedure. Alternatively what do I do to the MailboxesReport so that it just creates the file in the report folder and then exits without displaying the pdf.

My reason for the question is that I want to create a source procedure which will loop though a table and for certain values in a field call a report procedure, limited to a unique recordGUID.
I then want to generate a report, take the created pdf in the web\report folder, copy it somewhere with a name allocated from within the report and then use pdftools to attach additional pages to the single page that the report generates.
I don't want to see the report I just need it to be created somewhere where I can access it.

I had this working with SoftVelocity ReportToPDF but I just can't get the file to just be saved.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Using NTWS865  FYI
There is no project file for the client application. Reported on compilation.
Luckily I had made a copy of the example folder previously when working through the application and I was able to paste the cwproj file into the example folder.

I have moved one of my webapps from SoftVelocity PDF to PDFTools.
All my reports work except one where I want to nominate the location and name of the PDF file and save it there without printing or displaying it.
In the SVPDF system I had this line in Init Open Files
PDFReportName = 'PolicyWelcome\' & CLIP(POL:PolicyNo) & '\' & CLIP(POL:PolicyNo) & '_1.pdf'
and the pdf would be created and written to that folder without being displayed.
Looking at Web14 it seems that MailBoxReportDownloadForm is the closest to what I need since the file appears to be created in the Report Folder and is there until the download takes place.
But I cannot find anywhere where the program is told that this is where the file must be created and what its name should be. It is created as e.g. web\Reports\$$$12345.pdf
I also cannot see how the Calling form knows which file to download.
In the make source examples I have seen the called source normally returns the file name like this

p_web.SetProgress(loc:ProgressName,100,GLO:CSVExport)   ! complete the progress bar, and make the file available for download.

but I cannot find how it is updated within the report program in Web14.

To layout what I want to achieve:
1. Have a form with various options called from a menu- got this
2. Call a Make file that selects the records that I want to process - got this
3. Loop through the selected records and inside the loop I call the Welcome Print for each record.- got this
4. WelcomePrint (In this file I nominate location and name of the pdf file I want to generate based on a field name)
5.The letter is generated and saved in the nominated location.

Currently what happens is that my default printer is called (cutepdf) after each record is processed and it asks me to save the file.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Corrupt Error on Export to Excel
« on: November 07, 2015, 02:41:43 AM »
Hi. Ran into this with one with one of my apps so I amended example78 by adding a String field called TextDate @s10 to the Invoice Table
Added the field to the InvoiceBrowse as Display @S10 as well and added a date into 2 of the table records (e.g. 2015-10-10)
If exported it comes up with the message "The file is corrupted and cannot be opened"
Amended web78 attached 

Bruce FYI On the unchanged app (before the above) selecting change from the Invoice browse generates an Application error (on my system anyway)

[attachment deleted by admin]

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