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Topics - rjolda

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Mobile Web App Icons
« on: October 16, 2023, 03:39:18 PM »
Hi Bruce,
In one of your CWIC pre conference educationals you mentioned the source that you got your icons from.  Can you give it here - can't find it in my notes.

Web Server - Ask For Help / WebCam problem still NT 14.06
« on: October 08, 2023, 06:33:54 AM »
Still cannot get Webcam to save picture correctly.  C11.0.136 and NT14.06.
Webcam Demo Example 79 does not work correctly.  My problem is in saving the picture and then re-displaying it.
Out of the box, example 79 seems to be trying to save a Binary string to DisplayPhoto name and NOT the assigned name of the file which was uploaded.
I modified the Settings dictionary and added a blob field(binary).  I tried to save the webcam picture to the binary blob.  Nothing saved.
So questions:
1. Can I save the picture name to MAI:MailBoxPicture AND a BLOB(Binary) field at the same time?  OR is it 1 or the other?
2. If I want to save it into a BLOB, how do I set up the fields to display from the BLOB and not a saved file name?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Mobile App that is NOT Disconnected
« on: September 11, 2023, 11:49:36 AM »
Hi Bruce,
You mentioned that a Mobile APP ( PWA ) would run clarion code if it was connected all the time.  I am making a PWA which will run ONLY if connected. 
1. Do I need a sync server in that case - seems like I wouldn't?
2. The PWA would run only if connected - therefore it seems logical to test for connection and run if there is one. If no connection, display a message that the app will run only when connected to the internet.
Can you help with information to sort this out please.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Webcam picture name field incorrect in NT 14.04
« on: September 09, 2023, 06:17:25 AM »
Using NT 14.04 and Clarion 11.0.13639
I am using Webcam example 79.  It displays the webcam image and does Take a picture and displays it in the Display image.  However, in NT10 it stored the Display image name - something lile:  \web\uploads\4881ffg2.png.
in 14.04 it stores the imageName as:  
There is no image in the \web\uploads  folder.
Seems like it is trying to store it as encoded within the Cstring field which should have the file name.

I have a Web App running on port 88.
I tried to run a second (different app) on port 90.  Got this error:  "Warning <Display Name> cannot load as another instance is already running."
I remember this from long ago.  The DISPLAY FIELD name has to be different.
BUT where Do I find the NAME field for this.

Web Server - Ask For Help / JavaScripts problem
« on: September 06, 2023, 06:45:05 AM »
NT 14.04.  Clarion 11.1.13744.
I have my NT app running nicely on my development machine. 
I started a test deployment on a server and I am getting all kinds of javascript loading errors. I have tried lots of things but I think that there is something fundamentally wrong with my setup. I even put Clarion on the Server and compiled it on the server and same problem.  My development machine is using OneDrive for the application development storage.  I think that there is a setting pointing to the Javascript files that is messed up on my server.  Console errors are attached.  Can someone give me some insight into how to fix this Javascript loading problem.  BTW, I have the Visual Studio Runtime installed on my server.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Webcam broken in 14.03??
« on: September 02, 2023, 04:52:44 AM »
NT 14.03
Clarion 11.0.13606.
I found that the webcam was not showing an image for me to take a picture.  I am using a USB camera.  The camera light comes on and the App indicates that it is using the camera - but NO DISPLAY from the webcam.  This was working.
I went to web79 example ( Webcam) and compiled and ran that .  Same behavior.  This is in development on my machine so using port 88.
Is it my equipment or is this something that got disrupted in NT 14.03?

Hi All,
I have a Browse which displays automobiles.  I have a child browse which displays information about that automobile - it is related to automobile by the Automobile_GUID.
I have a system variable (LoggedAuto_GUID) which is used to store the selected Automobile GUID.
I can load the LoggedAuto_GUID when one is SELECTED if there are MULTIPLE listings. If there is only ONE auto, the user does not need to select it because the child  shows.  They can update the child from the child browse.  I need the Automobile_GUID.


If there is only 1 entry in the Browse for Automobiles, where can I capture the Automobile_GUID for that one record and stuff it into  my system variable (LoggedAuto_GUID)?

1. I would have to test to make sure only one entry.
2. If so, then store the system variable (LoggedAuto_GUID) from the loaded record.
Where is the correct embed point to do the test and load the system variable (LoggedAuto_GUID) if there is only one auto?

Ron Jolda

NT 14.01
Why am I getting ASSERT errors on tables used for Lookups?  Telling me that I need a Unique/primary key on F_DEALER_TYPE field as a single or last component.  I have one defined in my dictionary:


IHID            LONG
DLR_Type        STRING(50) !type of dealer name


What am I Missing?

Hi All,
NT 14.01. Clarion 11
I am looking at making a touch screen kiosk app which is going to be outdoors.  What are people using for touch screen displays and cpu?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Button ? to change filter on Browse
« on: January 18, 2022, 09:55:12 AM »
HI All,
Using C11.0.136 and NT 11.51.
I have a simple browse with clients.  I want to be able to TOGGLE between Active and Inactive - I have a byte field IsInactive - 0/1
My windows application has a button that changes the filter and re-displays.

How can I do this on a WebServer Browse -
? two tabs - "Active" and "Inactive" - but there does not seem to be a way to do this..
? Put a Button over Browse - next to Search button??  How to do this?
?Other suggestions??
Ron Jolda

Hi All,
Using C11.0.13630 and NT11.51.
I started to create a New NTWebServer application from Dictionary.  Plain vanilla.  It started and had the message "do you want to delete...module.001" or something like that. Response is YES.  C11 then goes on to create the app and then stops working.   I have deleted the entire directory for the app I was trying to create.  Now, if I try to make a new NT Web Server app, it goes through the questions and when i Finish the Wizard, it just creates the Main "TO DO" app.  Won't create anything.  Interesting.  What have I done to cause it to do this and how to I get the Wizard back to creating NT apps?
Ron Jolda

Web Server - Ask For Help / Trusted Certificate
« on: December 14, 2020, 12:26:56 PM »
Hi All,
I have a GoDaddy Trusted Certificate for my domain which is registered through GoDaddy and is hosted on my server.  I got the certificate in 2018 for 2 years and it just expired.  I purchased a renewal of the SSL certificate which they issued and I have downloaded a new .CRT file for my domain.  My SSL which was running with the previous SSL certificate from GoDaddy no longer runs and gives me an SSL error.  The Certificate itself is fine for my domain.  However, my NT 11.44 app will not run in SSL mode.  (It will run without SSL.).  They must have used my original CSR file and private key file to generate the renewed .CRT for my domain. 
Question:  what steps do I have to go through to get new certificate to work with NT 11.44?  Do I need to us the original CSR and PVK to generate a new PFX and all the steps all over again?  Just plopping my new .CRT into my NT app does not run.
Ron Jolda

Web Server - Ask For Help / Webinar on developing PWA apps with NT 11
« on: December 11, 2020, 02:30:20 PM »
Hi All,
Dreading the path to developing PWA.  Trying to get my head around the concept and what it includes.  Are there any webinars on this topic.
Thank you,
Ron Jolda

Hi All,
I upgraded from previous version of Net Talk 11 to 11.23.  Clarion 8.0.9661
Examples compile OK but I get these errors on my previously running app ( earlier version of NT 11)
Errors:  AutoWeb is my app:
 Procedure doesn't belong to Module: NETWEBRELATIONMANAGER
Procedure doesn't belong to Module: NETWEBFILENAMED
Procedure doesn't belong to Module: NETWEBDLL_AUTOWEB_SENDFILE
How do I solve this?
Ron Jolda

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