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Topics - Gordon Holfelder

Pages: [1] 2 3
Web Server - Ask For Help / Input filtering
« on: May 07, 2014, 08:46:16 AM »

Are there extensions to the p_web.GetValue() method that would add character filtering and/or length filtering?

We're building an interface between Salesforce and our web application. As part of their security review of the interface, they also (we didn't ask) did a review of our web application. Interesting findings, but one was Cross Site Scripting problem. Here they suggested adding a whitelist of characters that each field would be validated against.

In reviewing the finding, I don't think that the problem was actually caused by our server, but from APEX code (Salesforce dev environment), but I want to check in case I needed to this as well.

Currently I have "Parse" methods that take GetValue returns and convert them into clarion values. So far I have: ParseBoolean (converts on/off,true/false,1/0), ParseDate(deformat), ParseAmount(strip commas and non-numeric characters) and ParseText(to handle new-lines) to handle values. String values I haven't touched, but could another method.

If you have these corresponding methods, i would use them instead...


Web Server - Ask For Help / NT 8 Conversion
« on: May 05, 2014, 01:33:27 PM »
Hi All-

Been a while since I've posted here, but here goes.

Finally moved from NT5 all the way to 8. Broke a few things along the way, but all seems to be working fine now. The only exception is something that is mostly annoying;

We use a lot of custom javascript files in the development process. After I've made a change to any of these files, I usually press CTRL-F5 to force a refresh in the browser to continue testing and/or debugging of the javascript. Instead of the changed js file being loaded, the original is loaded again.

This was not happening with NT5. In addition, the framework we're using dynamically loads the js files and provides a cache-busting argument on the url as in: http://localhost:88/ep/lib/ux/UpdateButtons.js?_dc=1399325165969 that doesn't seem to have any effect.

The only way I can get the new js file to load is to restart the web server.

Is there some caching going on in the nt server? Is there a setting that would fix this?


Web Server - Ask For Help / xml file upload
« on: July 03, 2012, 05:29:11 PM »
Hi All-

I'm trying to use a technique that I've seen from other web apps where an Excel report is generated as an xml file and then when opened in a browser, Excel will automatically open the file as a spreadsheet.

The attached file is such an output file. When opened in windows, the file opens properly. When accessed through firefox served up through a nettalk server I get an error.

Any ideas on how to make this work? My current work around is to give the file n xls extension. I get an error, but the file will open. Perhaps setting a content type?


[attachment deleted by admin]

Hi There-

I have a nettalk server that is limited to a single database (remember Bruce, we tried to change that without success). I'd like to just have different instances of the app running using different ports. It appears that somewhere it checks for this and I get a message: "Warning xxxx cannot load as another instance is already running.". The second copy is in a different folder, but I still get the error.

Is this a NetTalk error? Is there a way to get around this?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Default CSS colors
« on: April 04, 2011, 01:10:21 PM »
Hi Bruce;

Just a tweak is needed for your shipping styles. I'm using the various colors as part of a span tag and I allow the user to specify the colors that they wish to use. All the colors except purple and teal work. I'm not quite sure why it's not working though since the hex code looks correct. I've attached a screen shot to see if that helps.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Disable serving other pages
« on: March 16, 2011, 09:21:37 AM »
Hi All-

I am assuming that this can be done, but I'm not sure where to trap this; I know that the Nettalk server automatically serves up any files that are in the web folder. I'd like to keep this functionality, but only allow this to occur when the user is logged in. Should I add code to the _SendFile method in the web handler? How do I cause a 404 error if the user is not logged in? Is this the correct place?

Thanks in advance,

Web Server - Ask For Help / Themes
« on: March 14, 2011, 07:29:45 PM »
Hi All-

Shouldn't the predefined themes already created and available at jQuery just work out of the box? I have tried; Le-Frog, Smoothness, Trontastic and Vader with limited success. The UILightness which appears to be the NetTalk default looks great. I had hoped to provide a set of choices for the user, but I'm not into having to tweak these. Any ideas? The problems seem to be in two areas; the non-highlighted row in a grid and the icons on the buttons. See the attached screen shot.

It also appears that the image files don't overwrite. They appear to have different names. Is this normal? How does the java script know which image to use?


[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Ext JS
« on: March 13, 2011, 10:54:58 AM »
Hi All-

I saw the sample website built using Ext JS and would like to experiment with this paradigm as well. I've started going through a tutorial and I really don't want to mix jQuery into the mix. Is it possible to setup a WebServer that just serves pages and processing Ajax requests?

Thanks in advance for you suggestions.

Web Server - Share Knowledge / More Popups
« on: February 28, 2011, 09:25:09 PM »
Hey All-

Is there anyway to hand code a popup? I'd like the login and register windows to be popups. My desire is to have links on the main page. Any help on this would be appreciated.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Alert Message
« on: February 14, 2011, 08:59:34 AM »
Hi Bruce-

I have a stored procedure that validates the password for our application. The return from the procedure indicates the type of error that was encountered. This is then assigned to loc:Alert to display the error back to the user. There appears to be a couple of problems with this:
  • Any special characters are escaped and displayed in the message box
  • A quote or a cr/lf in the message prematurely ends the message (and leaves a hanging error in the browser)
  • If the error is to long, it is difficult to read in the browser (jquery problem?)

See the attached screen shot. ntws 5.15 c74.7900


[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Banner Images
« on: February 11, 2011, 09:14:14 AM »
Hi There All-

I'm planning on implementing a personal website using NT5. Part of this is to allow me to get more familiar with building web apps (I really like this environment). Something I've seen in the XOOPS environment and I'm sure others have it as well is the ability to display an image in the header and then on a timer replace the image with a different image. Try to see what I'm talking about.

I'm sure this can be done with NT5. Any suggestions as to where to start?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Hyperlinks in browse
« on: February 02, 2011, 08:15:18 PM »
Hi All-

I'd like to create a series of hyperlinks as part of the text that is being displayed in a browse. There may be one or more of these. They are currently stored in a child table. Each of these child records contains the text and the blob that is to be displayed when the hyperlink is pressed.

Now the question; do any of the examples show something like this? Any suggestions where to start?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Object Session Value
« on: January 26, 2011, 11:27:49 AM »
Hi There-

I have a business layer object that I would like to use in a way similar to a session value. There is quite a bit of information loaded from the database and it is used as part of the validation for a form. This currently requires re-instantiation and reloading for every field. What (in my mind) would make the use of this object more efficient would be to have SetSessionObject('Name', object-reference) and GetSessionObject('Name') methods to be available as part of the NetTalk class. This way I could create and load the object once and re-use the the object for each field validation.

There are other forms that could also re-use this same object and that could also help in the efficiency of the web server.

I realize that there would need to be a way of purging the objects when the session goes away and that there would be Set and Get methods for each business object that would be used in this fashion

Are there some embed points that could be used for doing something like this? I looked at the session value queue, but don't see how I could extend it.

Thanks for considering this request.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Force refresh after popup
« on: January 13, 2011, 09:25:05 PM »
Hi There-

I think this is my last issue (for a while). I have a browse going to a memory popup form. Pressing the insert causes a new entry to be added to the table (though it is a memory form). Upon return the browse is not refreshed.

Change and delete buttons work fine.

Do I need to force a refresh (and how would I do it), or are the templates supposed to take card of this?

C73 / 5.11

Hi Bruce-

I've just installed 5.10 (C73.7900) and am now missing the insert / change and delete buttons. Looking at the generated code it appears that this is causing the behavior:

      If p_web.GetSessionLevel() <= 0 and p_web.GetSessionLevel() >= 0

I haven't changed any template values, perhaps I need to add something? The session level is definitely not 0. I can't get to the rest of the app to see if the other issues have been resolved.


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