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Topics - willieb

Pages: [1]
E-Mail - Ask For Help / Gmail send issue after upgrading to Nettalk 14
« on: September 25, 2023, 07:38:16 PM »
Good Day everyone,

I upgraded to NT 14 from 11 and now I have an issue where my application cannot send emails using gmail (google).

I tested using the Nettalk demo, and all that I get is ... nothing.  Not a single response from the gmail server looking at the log tab in the demo app.
Settings used was, I tried port 465 and 587 and various number of options enabled and disabled.
I can connect to and send emails using other email servers, but for some reason gmail returns not a single response.

I gone back to the last version of my application which was compiled with NT11 and that works sending an email using gmail. But using the new version of my app with NT14, there is no joy.  (nothing changed except that it was compiled with NT14).

Is there maybe something I am not aware of that changed since NT11?

Web Server - Ask For Help / HotDates - How do I add Vertical Lines
« on: April 14, 2022, 11:43:04 PM »

I have a hot dates calendar and is struggling to add vertical lines for each day.

I have added CSS to add the horizontal lines, I know how css works.  I just cannot find where to add the CSS to apply the border or lines as needed.

Searched everywhere in the template, it looks like there are only options(css fields) for the "month" calendars and non for the "planners".

I have attached the screenshot to show what I want to do and the css linked to the row.  I have css to add the lines, I want to add it where I underlined the current class added to the row.

Can someone direct me to where I can add my custom CSS to the existing row class element?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Login not working after 10.36
« on: November 03, 2018, 10:47:51 PM »
Here I go again ...

After loading Nettalk 10.36 there are 2 of my apps where the login page is broken, the others do work.

The issue:  On the login page, I enter login credentials then when I click the "login" button the login page just reloads.  Nothing was changed on my login pages, they just stopped working after installing Nettalk 10.36.

I tried:
- Checked and unchecked the "delete session" option in template.
- Deleted the "State" file.
- Put the app in a whole new folder on server (clean install).
- Compared working vs not working login page and source.

Any other suggestions?


Maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong.

I have a webapp and reports can be scheduled.  To make easy I create a small procedure on the main window (WebServer procedure) to run every 5min to check if there are any reports scheduled to run.  The procedure then runs the reports and add them to the email queue.

This works great but as soon as I am logged in and there is a report currently being generated and I view/refresh the table being used in the report, the "web interface" side stops working.  The app does not give an error and is stil responding to any mouse clicks on the server side, just the "web interface" side stopped working.  The report is generated successfully after a few seconds because some reports take a few seconds to calculate and generate. 

Seems like when the procedure is currently reading/updating a table and I want to "browse" the same table the system "bombs" out somewhere.  By closing and opening the app again on the server it works as normal.

What might be my problem?  I am using TPS files.

Thank  you

Web Server - Ask For Help / Text field only shows first character
« on: February 27, 2018, 04:39:40 AM »

Can someone please assist with the following.  I have a wizard generated update and a text field is displaying only the first character saved on the record.  I tried by re-creating another update window.  I deleted the field and manually created another.  I also changed the text field to a string.  All just gave me the first char of what is currently saved in the field.

I did get this once a while back ... cannot remember what I did to get this fixed.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Xero oAuth Issue
« on: October 31, 2017, 08:41:31 AM »
Hi Everyone,

I am battling a bit with the oauth on Xero.  When I post the following in the header I am just getting a "consumer key unknown" error.  I've checked the key about a 1000 times .. (feels like it) and used another key from another user with the same issue.  I assume there is an issue with my post header.

Anyone integrated with Xero already?  Any assistance to get the oauth sorted will be much appreciated!

Here is my header:

Authorization: OAuth realm="",

Thank you

Web Server - Ask For Help / Browse Conditional Filter Relationship Problem
« on: September 19, 2017, 03:53:56 AM »
Hi everyone!

I tested many different methods to get behind this issue (triple checked the keys and relationships to make sure it's correct).  Here is my issue explained below.

- I have 3 tables:  Table A, B, C.
- B & C is linked to Table A.
- On the browse for Table B & C I have a button to call the browse of Table A.
- Then on Table A, I have two "conditional filters" set to "file relationship" range limit type.  This should filter the records depending from which browse it's called.

The problem is that when viewing Table A from the button on Table B & C the "conditional filter" is not applied.  If I set the"Default Filter" on the browse and not as a "conditional filter", the records is filtered as required.  So it seems that there is an issue with the "conditional filter" when using the "file relationship" range limit type.

Did anyone else encounter the same issue yet? ... or is there something I might be missing?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Error when saving existing record
« on: September 07, 2017, 03:42:22 AM »

Could someone please assist me with the following.

When I click on Save on a form (popup), the app closes down.  From the debugview I see the following and wonder if this is the issue.

Error1 on debugview:  Rename value did not find old value _parentproc_
Error2 on debugview:  Rename value did not find old value ]]_parentproc_

There is no source on the form, the form just returns to a browse and this is then when the app closes down.

Thank you

Web Server - Ask For Help / Login stopped working
« on: February 12, 2016, 09:23:32 PM »

The login was working 100%, then out of the blue the login just stopped working.

When pressing the login (save) button nothing happens.

Any ideas?

Clarion 10.0.12055
NetTalk 8.71

Web Server - Ask For Help / Problem Uploading file when updating form
« on: March 11, 2015, 04:18:56 AM »

I am running into the following problem.

When I insert a record, and upload a image, I run source(at save file embed) to resize, then rename & copy to another folder.  And it works 100%.

My problem lies when Updating a record and uploading a new image.

I, open the record, upload new image, it gets resized, renamed and copied 100%, the file is on the server but the image field on the record is saved with the uploaded file name instead of the new filename.  It seems like the "file upload" variable is not updating and I do not know why.  And this only happens when updating the record.

Any suggestions?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Image not showing on 2+ tab
« on: February 18, 2015, 05:34:16 AM »

I have a Update window opened in by "popup" method with 3 tabs.

On 1st tab I have a Image, and its displaying like it should, on the 3rd tab, I also have a image(different image), it's not showing after opening the window(updating the record).  When I use the "file Upload" control to upload a new image, it shows, but when I close the update window and reopen, the images does not show.

I done all the tests and could not get the images to show on the 2nd or 3rd tabs.  I added the image on the 1st tab and it's displayed.

Have anyone found the same problem?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Disable Save after click?
« on: January 30, 2014, 02:00:47 AM »
Hi, is there a way to disable the save button after clicking on it?

I have a Memory form with the normal save & cancel buttons.  When save is clicked I do some validations(ValidateAllStart).  Then at (ValidateAllEnd) embed I add a record to a table, after adding I give the user a popup to show the record have been added.

What happens now is the user click once, then after a second nothing happened, then clicks again, and again ... then the record get added more than once.  The problem is their network/internet is very slow.

Is there a way to disable or even hide the save button after the first click?

Or any other suggestions to fix my problem?

Web Server - Ask For Help / Report PDF Error
« on: October 14, 2013, 08:56:38 AM »
Hi everyone,

Today users are trying to pull PDF reports and getting the following error in the browser  =>  The Print procedure failed to create the PDF file [C:\CCS\web\reports\$$$70998.pdf]

I checked the report folder does exist.  I runned the webserver on my local pc and it works fine.

and ideas?  This is with Nettalk 7.25

Web Server - Ask For Help / Slow child data display
« on: August 18, 2013, 10:03:51 PM »
If anyone can help ...

I have a slight problem with a child (TPS) table with 425000 records taking a long time to display(35 seconds).  On the exe it display instantaneously but the webapp takes a loooong time.

I attached 2 screenshots:
  1  =  debugview showing the filter and the time it takes before the window open(about 35 seconds)
  2  =  child relationship setup on the nettalk template in clarion

I assume nettalk is using a filter instead of the key.  If it is the problem, what must I change/check to ensure it is using the key to speed up the child display?

I appreciate any help!! Thanks

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