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Messages - David

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Well... it doesn't have to be a popup.  I am just looking for some visual way to let the user know that the button did something.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Popup Notification On Form - Button Click
« on: June 05, 2010, 05:17:03 AM »
I have a WebForm for setting the application settings, including the users email server settings.  This is so my app can use their email server to send SMTP.  There is a "send test email" button on the email settings tab below the input fields.  When the user clicks the "send test email" button, I run server side code that sends an email using the settings on the form.

I would like to popup a message letting the use know the email was sent.  As it stands now, there is no indicator to the user that the button did anything.  The form is not refreshing, so the loc:alert does not seem to be working.  Any suggestions on how to do this? 

Thank You,
C7.1, NT5 PR17


Right now, as I move around on a browse, the code sets a session variable with my unique key value.  And so when I go from a browse to a form, I can get the parents unique identifier, example. p_web.GSV('PRO:SysID').

Could you add support in the templates to also auto update an additional session variable.  This would mostly be used for a Description.  Example, every time the PRO:SysID is updated, the PRO:Description is also written to the session queue.  Actually, you could add this as an additional option on the NetWebBrowse Fields dialog.  Then I could have 1 or all of my fields auto updated to session variables.

The reason for this is that once you are on a form, the user doesn't see what the parent record is.  If an additional session variable was auto updated, then I could simple add it to the Form Heading or SubHeading.  I am doing this now, but it is a manual process.

Thank you for your consideration.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Button Location Options On NetWebBrowse
« on: May 09, 2010, 05:40:07 PM »

Would it be possible (and you willing) to add additional template options in a NetWebBrowse to:

1. Position the VCR and Add/Edit/Delete buttons on the same line, with some space between the 2 sets
2. Add the Add/Edit/Delete buttons to the table header, with option of either right or left side

Thank you,

[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / NT5 Lookup Popup In a Browse
« on: May 06, 2010, 02:54:53 PM »

Could you add, maybe to the Other button, in a browse the ability to open a jQuery dialog with either a NetWebForm or NetWebBrowse in it, either Modal or not?  I think that 99% of the code is written with the Popup Lookup functionality on a form.  It would be really useful to show additional information for a line item in a browse.

Good suggestion.  I changed the button from Submit to Button and the nt-small-button class was then applied to the buttons in the browse.  However, I am getting inconsistent results because some of my browses have buttons that are set to submit and they work fine and others do not. So I think something else is going on.

When adding an 'Other' button to a NetWebBrowse, sometimes the class is not being applied.  I have some browses where it works and others where it does not.  Below is an example of template generated code where the nt-small-button shows.  But, the web browser source does not have the class applied to the button.

---------- Clarion Template Generated Code -----------
packet = clip(packet) & p_web.CreateButton('submit','BusinessNotesButton','',Choose('' <> '',p_web.combine(,'nt-small-button'),p_web.combine(,)),loc:formname,p_web._MakeURL(clip('browsebusinessnotes.html')  & '&' & p_web._noColon('BUS:BusinessID')&'='& p_web.escape(BUS:BusinessID) & ''),clip('_self'),,,loc:disabled,'',,,,'view notes',1,'note')

------------ web browser view source -----------------------------
<div id="div1756640797_div" class="adiv"><button type="button" name="BusinessNotesButton" id="BusinessNotesButtonPRLT" value="" onclick="document.BrowseBusiness_frm.action='browsebusinessnotes.html?BUS__BusinessID=14&PressedButton=BusinessNotesButton';'_self'; dsb(BrowseBusiness_frm,BusinessNotesButton,'BusinessNotesButton','BUS__BusinessID','14');" title="view notes" >&#160;</button>
<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(function() {jQuery("#BusinessNotesButtonPRLT").button({text: false,icons: {primary:'ui-icon-note'}});});</script>

[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Web/ folder cleanup
« on: April 08, 2010, 10:36:00 AM »
With NT5 PR11 there are 2 image folders:

It looks like jQuery uses web\styles\images,  so can I delete the stock images out of  web\images?

Thank you,

Thank you.  Also, the new button grouping looks really slick.

after further investigation, I think this was an issue caused by me.  I had a process that was taking about 20 seconds to complete and I think the browser was timing out before the server was returning the login page.

NT5PR11, jQuery UI

Is there a setting in the templates to set the Insert/Change/Delete/View buttons to be small, which is no text just the images?

Thank you.

NT5 PR10

I also forgot to mention that this is a secure site running over 443.

Web Server - Ask For Help / NT5 - Login Form - Page Cannot Be Found
« on: March 23, 2010, 12:17:27 PM »
I have a webserver that requires the user to be logged in to see/do anything.  The default page is set to index.html and the login page is set to login.html.  If the user enters a wrong password they should get an error message and then the login page should be presented again.  This worked fine in NT4.  However, in NT5, sometimes the error message is displayed and most of the time a "The page cannot be found" page is displayed.  If I hit refresh, then the login page is displayed again correctly.  The login validation for bad password is:

 loc:invalid = 'tmp:UserName'
 loc:Alert = 'Login Failed. Try Again.'

loc:invalid is set to tmp:UserName for wrong user names or passwords so as not to give away which was wrong.  Am I missing another settingor step?


In trying to prepare my app to send you, I went back through and did another set of test.  And guess what.... my app locked up, but not on the NetSimple(server).Open method but earlier in the program.  On 3 different computers and multiple times, my app appeared to lockup at the NetSimple.Open method.  And now it starts locking up in the MAIN window init.   After several hours of debugging and commenting out huge sections of my embedded code, I still was no closer to figuring it out.  So I deleted my main procedure window, recreated it, pasted my embed code back into it and now everything is working.

So, it had nothing to do with NT5, which you already knew and where being kind in trying to help.  I hate it when a problem goes away and I don't know why.  Thank you again for your assistance.


I tried a Windows 2003 server and Windows XP.  Both fresh installs, no antivirus, no firewall.  Other than the OS and patches, my app was the only thing installed.  It froze at the same place.

[Net] [3] NetSimple(Server).Open - Will use InActive (Idle) Timeout (hs) = 6000 

Again, the freeze only happens when run as a service.  As a desktop app, it works fine.  I also ran the service as a local administrator to see if it was some kind of permissions issue.  But no luck. 

Are there any additional trace messages you can add in the open method that could narrow this down?

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