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NetTalk 5 - PR 23

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Can you tell me what conditions woulf cause this reference to be generated.

The install is correct and the libs are correct.  The examples compile fine.




I removed my SendMail procedure (I can copy it back from the NetTalk Email In Process Example)

I commented out the procedure call in my source code and removed from the procedure tree.

All compiles fine,

I copied the procedure back from the NetTalk example... All compiles fine.

I added it back to the procedure tree under the calling procedure but left the call commented out.

It compiles fine.

I remove the comment on the SendMail(........) procedure call in the source code of the caller and I get the error.

I checked and all the parms are fine. 

This APP compiled fine 2 days earlier before I upgraded from PR17 to PR 23.  I can not find a straggling Lib or DLL



How mech heck am I going to be into if I uninstall PR23 and reinstall the one I could work with?

I don't mess with my environment or move things around. I build my release system on a removable USB and release test on another machine.  I'm lost.



Another question

It appeaer this is part of a class stored in the Clarion6\LibSRC (not under 3rd party).

There is a series of files named NETSMP  NetWeb ..... in there.  They are all dated 6//16/2010


Sorry for the many message - getting heat...

1) This is not a webserver app.
2) It has a singled EXE and a Data.DLL
3) In runs as a service app - with a timer that reads a trigger file
4) The trigger file calls an email send routine that, based on tran codes, builds email content, may attach PDF's based on the code, and send ths email to customers, vendors and/or associates.

The comple dies on the procedure that performs the actual send - a hidden window. 
The compile only dies when  the call to the prcoedure is not a comment in the caller.  It seems that when it is set to export the prototype it dies.

I have found the following in my 3rdparty/lib

c60netnl.lib size 1270kb   date 10/7/2009

c60netx.lib size 3kb     date   10/29/2009

c60netxl  size  1217kb  date  6/27/2010




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