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NetTalk Web Server => Web Server - Ask For Help => Topic started by: jlavera on July 24, 2023, 09:08:44 AM

Title: I do NOT want to include the blob, but he thinks differently
Post by: jlavera on July 24, 2023, 09:08:44 AM
A rest server, using topspeed files.
Nettalk 12.62, jfiles 2.3, reflection 1.22, selfService 3.57, stringTheory 3.57, xfiles 4.23
Clarion 11.1 13815

Using NetWebServiceMethod procedures to supply Rest APIs.
I have a Rosters topspeed file with several fields, a blob, and several memos. The blob is defined as binary, although stores a base 64 encoded string. The Android/ios App supplies the content, the content is saved to the blob, and the signature is shown in the Windows system. So far, perfect.
Now, I have an API for the App to -read- the roster information, and in that response, I DON'T want the signature to be sent to the app... and no matter what I do, it is always there.

A typical response is like this:
{"Response":{"Rosters":[{"clientcontribution":0,"clientid":30917,"clientnoteflag":0,"deliveryitems":0,"description":"Monday - Paid meal break","destination":"","enableconcurrentservices":0,"enablerosteropt":0,"endatdate":"2023-07-24","endattime":"07:00:00","endtrandoneflag":0,"enduserlatitude":0,"enduserlocation":"","enduserlongitude":0,"extentofservice":10,"fixedstarttime":"0:00:00","groupview":0,"kmsetting":"N","maxkm":0,"nextservicedate":"-  -","optimisedendtime":"0:00:00","optimisedtime":"0:00:00","optimizedetfrom":"0:00:00","optimizedetto":"0:00:00","optimizedrange":0,"optimizedstfrom":"0:00:00","optimizedstto":"0:00:00","originalendtime":"0:00:00","originaltime":"0:00:00","pickup":"","requirecost":0,"requiredondevice":0,"rosterid":2252957,"rosteropt":"","rosterstatus":"","rostershashmd5":"QD20230710112942","servicelocation":"15A Nicholl Street DAGLISH WA","servicetype":"Overnight - Active","servicetypeid":480,"signaturerequired":"N","startatdate":"2023-07-24","startattime":"21:00:00","startuserlatitude":0,"startuserlocation":"","startuserlongitude":0,"status":"AS","uomdescription":"Hours","uomid":1,"userid":1124,"workerid":21905,"signature":""}]}}
Except "signature" is nowhere included to be listed.
I come to remove ALL the fields but the id, and I got:
I don't have the signature field in the list of fields. It is excluded.
"Blobs in View" is unmarked  (although, I tried both options).
I also tried an "overrides" list with, for example, only the Id. Still, I got the id and the signature.
I even created a new procedure from scratch! In case it was corrupted somehow. Still... signature is there.
What made me come here to ask for help, is I did a text search in the generated source, and the field signature is nowhere!!! Is not even part of the project.
At this point, I'm at level WTF? and give up.
I'm about to conclude the only thing I can do is to remove the field from the file... But sure that's not the solution, isn't it?

Any idea?

Thank you,
Jorge Lavera

Title: Re: I do NOT want to include the blob, but he thinks differently
Post by: Bruce on July 31, 2023, 04:21:00 AM
Is the Signature field in the VIEW declaration?
What does your VIEW declaration look like?