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Messages - de la Rosa

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Hi Bruce and Jane,

Ok, my mistake was thinking that the WebServer Window procedure in the MultiDLL was a standard WebServer procedure as generated by the app wizard. So I just imported it to my own MultiDLL app and it works fine.


Hi Jane,

I'm referring to Example 20 where the WebServer procedure is in the which is a DLL. The which calls the WebServer(External) procedure does not define the WebServer prototype in its procedure property and it compiles and runs fine.

I made my own test Multi DLL app but it requires me to declare the WebServer prototype in the's Webserver (External) procedure before it compiles and resolve the External Webserver, but when the starts, it pops an Exception Error.

Hi Bruce,

Attached is the WebServer procedure in the MainExe app without any prototype defined. Or did I missed defining it somewhere else?


Hi Bruce,

How come Example 20 does not define a prototype for the WebServer in the but still works? While on mine it results with an Unresolved External WebServer@f?

However, when I define the WebServer prototype, it compiles fine but ends up with an exemption error when launched.


Hi Bruce,

Ok, it's the prototype declaration of the WebServer procedure in the Main app that was causing the Unresolved External Error.

However, my real problem was caused by using the Multi DLL ABC example instead of the WebServer Multi DLL example.


Sorry to confuse you Bruce but here's what I'm trying to do.

I'm trying to learn how to convert a single exe NetTalk Web app into multi dll in preparation for separating the report part into a dll for easier updating and maintenance.

So I started with the multi DLL example 20 and compiled and worked fine.

Since the and the chat window are both named chat, for learning purposes it was confusing so I renamed the chat Window to ChatWindow and it worked fine too.

Now, since the has the Nettalk extension in it. I added the WebServer Globals extension to it. Then imported a bare bones Webserver and compiled it, it compiled fine.
Then I  added a button to call the Webserver from the Main app but when I compiled it, it resulted in "Unresolved External WebServer@f ... ".

Next, I removed the imported webserver and added a simple Window on the  and named it WebServer. It was successfully compiled and called from the Main app.

So my problem is how can I properly instantiate a webserver procedure on the so that I can call it anywhere else. In addition, How do I build my Nettalk Report Webapp on a separate dll when it seems it can't be seen elsewhere? 

Web Server - Ask For Help / How to create a Multi DLL with WebServer
« on: July 16, 2020, 10:37:07 PM »

I tried example 20 and it worked fine with the Main/Chat example. I even renamed the Chat window to ChatWindow to differ with the name and it was fine. But when I tried to add a WebServer Window in the, the chat app still compiled fine, but the main.exe results in Unresolved External WEBSERVER@F in Main001.obj - That's even when the WebServer is found defined in the EXP file.

Thanks for any help.


Hi Don,

Thanks for the response. It's all good and straight forward on a desktop app as you can direct to specific clients. However, on a webForm, it's common to all users and so the only way I know is to have it on a session value and indeed the template setting has a choice of using a sessionvalue and updating live via websocket but then how would the webhandler's ProcessWebsocketCommand know which session's sessionvalue to update when the WebSocket is not tied to any session? So I'm thinking of updating the sessionvalue directly thru the sessiondataQueue and just wondering whether that's enough or do I still need to do p_web.PushSessionValue() after for it to update "live" on the WebForm?


Hi Bruce,

Am I correct in thinking that to "live" update a watched session value display field on a WebForm, from ProcessWebSocketCommand embed point, I need to access  the SessionDataQueue directly via p_web.RequestData.Webserver? I'm not referring to Websocket communications between the WebForm and the WebServer but from another independent WebSocket Client coming in on an independent thread.



Hi Bruce,

In the webserver websocket example you demonstrated how to display a host variable “live”, however all users get the same value. What I need to display “live” is incoming messages specific only for the Logged-in user of the webform which as I understood it I can segregate thru channel and group combination, but how do I specify that channel/group combination in the field to display on the form? The group part should be associated with the current user/session of the webform to make it unique to the user, right? such as using the user.session ID as group perhaps?

In addition, will it be “live” only when the value is updated from a ProcessWebSocketCommand event or can I call a setValue procedure to change the channel:group value from say a WebServer page_received and still have it update “live”?


Hi Bruce,

How do I specify a "channel:name" in the host variable to display in a NetWebform for websocket derived variable?


Hi Bruce,

Sorry for the delay in responding but for awhile  I couldn't see beyond Feb posts in nettalk central. Anyway, It was only when the performance tab was introduced that I saw a problem but had older C6 NT5 apps that simply got updated to newer NTs and didn't have perceivable issues as it worked fine. Basically, I use different ports for different services, so now will just have to create separate server windows for each one then.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Performance Control dependency Question
« on: May 03, 2019, 07:32:33 PM »

If my application has several NetWebServer instances listening to different ports, which instance does the performance control defaults to? is it possible for the performance Tab to monitor a particular NetWebServer instance? In particular I'm trying to enable websockets on a NetWebServer instance and would like to know whether the websocket connection is being opened as my watch variable doesn't seem to get updated. At the moment, once there are two or more NetWebServer instances, the Performance Control stops working.


Ok Bruce, will try to do some research and see. Thanks!

Hi Bruce,

Basically I need to print a report or some form of texts. Normally a script can handle the printing from a desktop browser webapp to a printer but not sure how to do it for a bluetooth connected printer. A native app on the device can print to it but not from a webapp. There are info that I have to use a cloud based driver but that is not an option as it's not connected to the internet. So was thinking whether there's a path from nettalk apps to the driver of the mobile device?


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