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NT6 Launch Webinar - Wow!

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Yep.  Bruce put on a great webinar.  I haven't been that excited to see a webinar in a long time.  It was like waiting on the premier of a blockbuster movie or something.

I think NT6 is a game changer on the Clarion playing field.  It will solve many issues.

I am currently converting all of my Win32 projects over to NetTalk.

No new projects will be Win32.


Don, I totally agree with you. With NetTalk 5 we already decided our new projects are all going to be web-based instead of Win32, and after watching the webinar yesterday on NetTalk6 I'm more convinced of that then ever. We've already been using NetTalk5 for mobile applications and we've made more money on our web apps recently then our Win32 ones. No more 'but can't we use your app on a Mac' :)

Bruce, a big thank you to you and your team for your efforts in releasing NetTalk 6.

I realise that you had to show a lot in a little time so this may be there but just a query.
Are there individual create browse wizards and create form wizards as well. I am thinking of situations where additional tables are added to the dictionary after the initial website creation.

Hi Terry,

sort of.
I haven't made separate wizards for browses and forms, however you can re-run the application wizard at any time to "add more". So, for example, if you re-run the wizard when your app is open you'll be able to select some "more files" for browses and forms. Obviously the global stuff is not as relevant at that point (and I need to do some polish in this regard) - but the short answer is yes, you can use it to add browses and forms to your app "after the fact".



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