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Author Topic: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example  (Read 16258 times)


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Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« on: April 14, 2012, 12:49:13 AM »
I'm getting a red bar with white text saying "Error in site Javascript" appearing on SSL pages and the page layouts are changing, I've compiled the example app Web9 and see the same thing again as well.

I have noticed a difference in the SSL object styles for BodyClass and Body Div Class ie example was 'PageBody' & 'PageBody' and mine was 'nt-body' and 'nt-body-div' but swapping them around didn’t make any difference.

Doesn’t make a difference if I use or localhost as mentioned here and I have only tested with IE and not Chrome so far.

In the SSL example app you cant add, change or delete anything either and the same goes with my webpages served via SSL.

Any suggestions or things to look at?


C6 & NT6.27

« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 12:50:50 AM by useless »


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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 11:10:38 PM »
I just tested that example here Richard, and it seems ok. I tried in FF, Chrome and IE.

Perhaps others could test theirs to see what happens?

Of couse rememeber to copy in the SSL DLL's - but I think you've done that.



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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2012, 11:42:37 PM »
I also tried Web 6 as per your suggestion in email and get the same problem.

The two Dos windows opened and did their scripts as this example has never been compiled before but I'll stick FF and firebug on here to see what gets thrown up.


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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2012, 12:05:02 AM »
I've created a brand new VM (XP SP3 all patched up to date), installed C6.3.9054 on it from C6 CD, C6.2 CD, C6.3 SB installation file and then the 9054 patch the replacement one not the smaller incremental one, installed 6.27, rebooted so path settings took pace, compiled web examples BasicSSL 9 & AlwaysSLL 6 both needed the script files to be copied over etc and I still have the Javascript error which is preventing it from working.

So how did you get yours working Bruce? What OS are you using and what version of Clarion are you using?


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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2012, 01:39:30 AM »
Hi Richard,

mostly I use Windows 7 (for my workstation), Windows XP (when using C6) and windows server 2008 R2 for deployment.

For development I spend most of my time in C8 - although I still use C5.5 for the examples.

None of which matters to your problem I think.

If you are getting a JavaScript error, then it looks like the connection is succeeding. Which means you copied the SSL DLL's to your app folder? you didn't mention that specifically, so worth checking.

If you run it in Firefox, with Firebug ( and you open the console window - what error is mentioned there?

Try setting the options on the WebServer procedure, Advanced tab "compressed and combined" off and see if that makes any difference.

Also turn off "suppress errors" and see if that makes a difference?

All the above are "debug" suggestions - not solutions - so if you find anything out let me know.



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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2012, 03:33:07 AM »
The SSL dll's are in place, I did copy them across, surpress errors is not switched on and I have the example compiled in Full Debug mode as well just for the record.

C8 its not an option.


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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2012, 04:05:22 AM »
C8 is not required. It's just what I use. I don't think your problem anything to do with the OS, or Clarion. I think you should just debug as normal - ie by inspecting the page, making sure the js and css files exist (and are delivered) and so on.

tip - in Firefox, if you right-click on a page and choose "source" then you can see the list of js and css files "required" by the page. clicking on them there allows you to see if they exist.

Let me know if you make any progress with the other items I suggested.



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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2012, 04:50:30 AM »
Create a new Webserver page I've called mine webserver2 and added a simple window with no controls as they are not relevent for this exercise and create 2 new proc extension objects one for port 80 and one for port 443.
You will find both http (80) and https (443) show up the same javascript error.

I noticed in the original webserver proc in my website with port 80 and port 443 objects it was adding another port 80 object and in the FF source I could see when I put each browser on monitor each side by side that the 443 was refering the new NT body divs but the port 80 webpage was referencing the old PageBody divs, yet I changed those over the weekend becuase of what I mentioned to you on email then about this.

Anyway I deleted the second port 80 object which was the 3rd proc extension and yet when I compiled hey presto this deleted proc extension was added back again, yet I dont have the options to support nettalk 4 & 5 ticked.

These new divs on the port 80 object with the javascript error also throws up the unable to close connection errors -34 could not find simple connect client or server. Get nothing for port 443 object.

Anyway am now testing the old NT4/5 page divs ie Pagebody instead of the new NT divs which I suspect will work and will poke around in the templates to see why this port 80 object was coming back if I have time....


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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2012, 06:11:00 AM »
any chance you can put the site "online" somewhere where I can see it?


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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2012, 09:22:32 AM »
The website I emailed you on the 17th April will demonstrate the problem.


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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2012, 07:44:53 AM »
Didnt get a reply back from my email sent on the 22nd (I dont run spam filters here so it cant get lost in them), did that email arrive and I've also forwarded it again just a moment ago in case it didnt get through.
Any progress on this, is it worth downloading one of the latest version to see if the SSL works in these examples or better to go back to NT5 for now?


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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2012, 02:38:08 AM »
I've just replied to the date & time example you sent me on the 17th April/ 22 May.
Your field priming question though is I think unrelated to the thread above.

When I compile that example here, it copies the web folder (using copyall.bat) and compresses the files (using gzipall.bat) and when it runs I don't see any Javascript error.

If you get an error on your side, then I think the next step is to post a screen-shot of the firebug console window, showing the error.



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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2012, 08:15:29 AM »
Hmm, no email from you has arrived, all other daily email reports I normally expect have arrived things like the messagelabs daily spam report for various customers and various customers server status reports have arrived just fine.

Re the firebug, we have already done the firebug route which is why you wanted the webserver sent to you, I've just fired it up again and this is the error message I'm now getting

Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to
SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)


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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2012, 09:46:46 PM »
Hi Richard,

I'll repost the contents of my email here - this seems to be a bit more reliable for you.

This was in reference to your original question about time fields being primed;
you have the priming on "insert only" - which is fine. you have the form restricted to "inserts" - which is ok
but you don't have the "default action" for the form set (presumably to Insert). so this means the "action" for the form is expected as a parameter.

my guess is you either need to add the action in the url - which is possible, but in this case, unnecessary or (I recommend) setting the default action for the form,  on the"advanced" tab to "insert".

I'm not sure how that example will assist with your SSL problem, because it's not an SSL app. But nevermind.

>> Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to
SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)

Ok - that's not a JavaScript error - it's a browser error. That changes the focus somewhat.
First thing to try is to separate your two web server objects onto different windows. They can share the same WebHandler procedure. That will probably make this error go away.



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Re: Error in Javascript Web9 SSL Example
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2012, 01:08:30 PM »
I dont think you understand or are getting confused with other issues, the problem I have is the example app Web9 which seems to be an example on how to do SSL is not working with the nettalk 6 I have here.

For background info, I had a NT5 website up and running with SSL but something has changed in NT6 and broken the SSL side of the website which functioned fine in NT5.

So I've tried the Web9 app which I believe is an example of doing SSL (correct me if I am wrong) and I see the same problem with the demo app which is what I have hilighted in the 1st post of this thread.

Now if Web9 is not an SSL example app then which demo app would be a good example to get a SSL website working in?