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Topics - Mike McLoughlin

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Firefox problem with PDFs
« on: July 30, 2009, 07:11:00 AM »
A user can download a PDF by clicking on a link, and in IE it opens in its own window.

In Firefox it doesn't have its own window (despite using a _blank target) and even worse there is no back navigation to my app.

Has anyone found a workaround for this?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Apostrophe problem in filename
« on: July 11, 2009, 02:57:15 AM »
When I try and download this filename Learner's Journey.PDF from a browse either nothing happens or another column gets downloaded.

If I take out the apostrophe all is OK



Working on example 40 I have set up an Other button to call ServeDocument with a file name.

The prompt save/run comes up OK but the file option to save to includes the mangled path:

If I pass it '.\web\downloads\yosemite_prayers.wav' it shows this in the save to dialog


If I don't pass the path with the file it doesn't find the file.  So I need a way to take out the '._web_downloads_'

In the example I notice the files are in the exe folder.



I have a situation where, depending on the type of user (eg staff or student) they get to see a different FramePage/IndexPage.

I can establish at login what type of user they are but the "URL on Save" is set at GenerateForm and there doesn't seem to be any way to conditionally jump to a choice of "URL on save".

I tried with an intermediate Source Code procedure but this cannot be used as a URL (no HTML page generated).

Anybody found a way round this?



After initial correct display the next/previous buttons don't respond.

Having read all the previous posts about XHTML I checked the generated source file and could see no problem.  I am not including any XHTML myself.  I set about removing options to see I if could pin the problem down - its now down to a simple page loaded browse.  No filtering. No fancy options.  Three simple string fields displaying - one of which is the key field.

Where else can I look?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Field is being clipped to 7 chars
« on: June 18, 2009, 01:34:48 PM »
Has anyone seen this?  On a form I prime a GUID field (string 16) and it shows OK as 16 chars when the form opens.

But when I save the form it gets shortened to the first 7 chars.  The picture looks to be set OK:

  If p_web.IfExistsValue('UPL:GUID')

The GUID field is the unique unchanging key field - could this be part of the problem?


Web Server - Ask For Help / How to find unparsed file and path?
« on: June 18, 2009, 01:52:03 AM »
I need to store the path + filename that the user selected in a file upload field when they click on Browse.

But everywhere I look - .handlefile, .renamefile etc the original path has already been parsed out.



Web Server - Ask For Help / DeleteSession and timeout
« on: June 15, 2009, 01:52:22 PM »
Following a suggestion in another msg here, I put some code in the routine DeleteSession to delete memory table records for that session.

I put in a message(total#) to see how many had been deleted and a timeout of 1 min (00:01).

But the msg never showed until I closed down the web server app.  I thought that 1 minute afer exiting IE it would come up.

What am I missing?


(using 4.32)

Web Server - Ask For Help / HTML insert into Tab Form?
« on: June 11, 2009, 10:30:54 AM »
Is there any place I can insert some HTML so that it appears on a specified Tab? 

I'm using a Tab type of form (not XP Tabs)

I'm looking for a simple interface where a menu would be overkill -  all the navigation is done by tabs.  It works well except that the first tab("Home" page) has no fields, just some welcome text and instructions.

Placing a text memory field comes up with error msgs when I try to prime it with HTML



Web Server - Ask For Help / Audit Trail and Threads
« on: June 11, 2009, 04:22:49 AM »
I've got a procedure which I call (with params detailing filename, field value etc.) whenever a field is changed in any record and it records the change in a log file.

The procedure assumes that the record buffer is still valid when it is called - is that a safe assumption with NTWS?  If every session has its own thread, then doesn't every file have its own (threaded) file buffer in NTWS?



Web Server - Ask For Help / WebServer and FTP?
« on: June 04, 2009, 10:33:38 AM »
Is there any reason I can't run FTP uploads from NTWS?

I'm finding the problem with the http:// upload (as per example 26) is that there is no progress indicator.  And on really big files I expect some of the students will start clicking on things, breaking the upload.  Or an async background upload would be nice :)


Your Views and Comments / How do you browse search results?
« on: June 04, 2009, 10:27:13 AM »
When you make a search and it throws up a list of results, how do you browse through just the results?

It seems like after you click on one result to read it, you are put back in the unfiltered msgs.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Web Server Methods?
« on: June 03, 2009, 09:45:01 AM »
Are the NetTalk web server Methods (such as CreateImage) and Properties listed in any of the help files?

My search only turned up the WenClient stuff.



FTP - Ask For Help / Packet Sniffing?
« on: April 04, 2009, 02:03:27 PM »
As part of my web app I want to allow upload of files - but a customer has said he wouldn't use the app if it used straight FTP because the user/pasword are sent in plain text and "anyone with a packet sniffer" could read them.

Is this a "real" danger?  has anyone had experience of this happening?



Web Server - Ask For Help / Replicate and NetTalk
« on: April 02, 2009, 12:30:02 PM »
All my child files are set up for Replicate with a Site Field (string 4) and a Linkid (long) forming the link-to-parent key.

I can't see anywhere in the Browse template to prime a second key field - is there a workaround for this?  I have a GUID in every file but I want to avoid adding any more key-overhead to the system.



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