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Recovering from error message

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I have an ftp process that runs 24/7 to and from an in-house server. When that server is rebooted the ftp process errors. I put a RETURN just before the Parent call in MyFTPControl.ErrorTrap but I still get an error. Attached is a pdf with a screenshot of the error and the code I put in the ErrorTrap procedure.


Thank you,

Rich Bowman

p.s. Bruce, this is the same situation we corresponded about a few days ago. I thought I should put my follow-up question here.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Hi Rich,

Of course you still _get_ the error. The RETURN suppresses it from the screen, but it still occurred.

While the machine was rebooting it was unable to connect.

But this is not a problem - so it was unable to connect - that's no big deal. It should try again on the next instruction.

so what then is the _real_ problem?


I wish it did retry, but it doesn't seem too. After the server is rebooted the error remains on the screen until I click Close, then it resumes. I need this to run unattended.

which build are you using?

>> the error remains on the screen until I click Close, then it resumes. I need this to run unattended.

In that case maybe "press" the Close button from ErrorTrap?
ie before the RETURN



Using NetTalk 7.39

I tried the post:event close window but that didn't work either. In fact I think it is still in the code example I sent (but commented).


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