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Topics - rjmiller

Pages: [1] 2
Web Server - Ask For Help / NT8 and Secwin
« on: March 18, 2014, 03:06:59 AM »
Does NT8 work with secwin?  I would like to move an application in development to NT8 from NT7 that requires secwin.


I am trying to identify where in secwinwebloginform that a user is logged out.

Looks like logout button in main menu just places a call to secwinwebloginform.  I am trying to refresh top page after logged out.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Set menu access issue
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:40:26 AM »
Hi, I mentioned this previously but felt that it had been specific to IE 11.  It doesn't appear to be.  After importing the DCTX provided in Secwin 6.31 all functions properly except that it seems that there is a refresh issue between the secwin datafile and the memory files... or some such.  I made a short video showing what happens.

The link is below

I can proceed as is now that I know how to get around it but very inconvenient... at least during intial development of security strategy.  I doubt that the menu will change from day to day once the project gets into production.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Secwin Groups in NetTalk
« on: February 14, 2014, 10:28:10 AM »
I notice that after creating user groups all groups have "noaccess" for both level and initial access.

I have opened the dssw5.tps table and although I can see users I see no groups.

Which might be the reason why I cannot assign users to groups.  :)


[attachment deleted by admin]

I have included a small, demo.dct, tps data and security files.

Users are demo, password demo (supervisor) and demo1 password demo (operator).

Initial attempt to set menu access does not fail but also does not find any operators.  If you go to the browse, access "key" for security access it will then find users for set menu access.

Also, groups are added but when attempting to add operator to group no groups show up.



[attachment deleted by admin]

Web Server - Ask For Help / Error importing secwin memory files
« on: February 10, 2014, 06:06:39 AM »
Hi, I am attempting to convert a desktop app to the web.

I am using NT 7.34, Secwin 6.3 and Clarion 8 (9759)

Initial test of compile as a webserver works.

Attempting to add secwin (memory tables) import gives error... "dictionary may be corrupt".  If this is ignored the files seem to be imported and after all steps completed in "adding secwin to nettalk" docs, compile completes with error in join of usergroup file where "firstname" is being added.

I have erased all and just attempted to add secwin files using TXD in both memory (I do have memory drivers) and Topspeed but get the dictionary error again.

Files are being installed from clarion8/accessory/libsrc/win folder.

If it matters... the existing data is on an mssql server which has secwin files.  None of these secwin files are in web dictionary.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Few MultiSite "gotchas" to watch for...
« on: November 02, 2012, 04:10:46 AM »
After getting Multisite going there were a few items that needed modification...

1.  Make sure that the datapath for secwin in files tab of secwin global template in the dll is set correctly otherwise the datafile will be created in host.exe folder.
2.  Edit the hardcoded path to settings.ini file in getsettings procedure in dll.
3.  Make sure to update the hostname setting in settings.ini for the dll to the hostname you are now using with the multisite or your email to users with password setting link will have a link that
     host.exe won't forward to.

It is now working well for me.


Web Server - Ask For Help / MultiSite Host as a Service fails
« on: November 02, 2012, 03:54:53 AM »
I have multisite working well now (thanks, Bruce) having removed selfservice from dll.

The host.exe does not start as a service however, either from within the host interface, command line or on startup.  I have changed user accounts to see if it is an issue with account security but this does not seem to have an effect.

Has anyone experienced a problem with selfservice and multisite?



Web Server - Ask For Help / MultiSite crashes when browse accessed...
« on: October 08, 2012, 03:41:53 AM »
Hi, I have a multisite host.exe running with static site and dll site.  No problems with static site but dll site runs until browse clicked on menu.

I am using NT 6.46.  This application runs as an exe.

My guess is that this is due to the naming of the datafile... it is a very simple test app generated by wizard, just a single datafile with two field, ID (prikey) and name (string).

DLL folder is c:\development\c8 projects\dlltest\ and datafile is user.tps.  The dct file name is !glo:userfilename which is set in the handler embed in the processlink before parent call.

The only thing I saw unusual (compared to your pdf for creating multisite) is that I see no way to set parameters for handler.  Not shown like shown in actions in webserver.  I have given the handler a name of webhandler in prototype (it was not set by default).  And when changing to DLL CWUTIL.INC was not found.  I copied the c7 file and cwutil.clw to the dll folder.

Web Server - Ask For Help / File Upload Button
« on: September 26, 2012, 05:20:02 PM »
I still have issues with the file upload button.  It does it job with regards to the uploading of files very well.  The issues I have is with processing before and after.

I have a button on a netwebform that uploads a file.  It is associated with a file column that stores it's filename.  After placing _traces in various places I have managed to get all associated processing done on upload.  My problem is that on deletion of the file I need to clear the field of its filename (assign ''' to it).  I cannot find a way to do this.  I have done gsv's at MANY locations and it would appear that even without clicking on the file upload button some type of processing occurs that results in the saving of the field after I have cleared this field.

Where does processing take place for the file upload on exit from the form?  Is there some way to associate the file upload button with a local field?  I have tried this but without much success.

I am obviously missing something.

Thanks for any help...


Hi, I have a netwebform on which I would like to have a button that executes some code to delete a certificate file that has previously been uploaded and reset two of the record fields to reflect this.  I have used the server-side code embed to do this and have been successful in deleting the file but I guess I just can't get it into my head how the form/session variables/table fields interact in the netwebform.

I have used winevent to delete the file based on a session variable that contains it's path and a session variable 'ceu:certificate' which holds the file name.  I then need to clear the sting field ceu:certificate which I do by p_web.ssv('ceu:certificate','') and then I need to set the uploads flag to 0 which I do by p_web.ssv('ceu:uploads',0)

This does not work.

Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?


Currently I am creating (if not existing already) an upload folder for each user after successful login to secwin.  I allow them to upload a certificate of completion and need to do some processing such as delete old certificate, assign values to other fields and rename to file to make sure it goes to the individual's folder.

Which embed should I use for this?



This does not work with the send source but does with the popup when used with a CPCS report.

It does work properly with standard SV Report.

I am using an imported DISPLAYNORECORDSMESSAGE from the NetTalk demo.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Secwin 6.05 Forms
« on: February 13, 2012, 03:36:01 AM »
Has anyone been able to get the key to show up on forms?

I am still not getting security menu access on anything but browses.  Using NT v6.18 and SW 6.05.


Web Server - Ask For Help / How to protect a form with Secwin 6
« on: February 07, 2012, 11:40:38 AM »
I have been able to protect browses with Secwin but for some reason I don't get a "key" in the forms.  In most cases I guess the form is protected by the browse access but would like to protect the forms that provide the options to the reports.

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