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Topics - Ubaidullah

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Web Server - Ask For Help / Lookup validation
« on: October 03, 2011, 01:54:27 AM »

In an NetWebForm, I have a field with 'Required' checked in the 'Validation' tab and a lookup procedure specified in the 'Lookup Settings' tab along with the lookup table information. Now, if the user enters a value that does not exist in the lookup table, it allows the record to be saved.

How do I ensure that any value entered exists in the lookup table?

Thanks & Regards,
Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Newline in Header
« on: October 02, 2011, 11:24:20 PM »

I want to have a column's header in two rows in a NetWebBrowse. Like this:

Item Number    |  Stock    |
                       | Quantity |

I tried putting 'Stock<br/>Quantity' as the text for the header but the <br> tag is displayed in the header. I coded it as &lt;br&gt; too but still shows up as <br>.

So, how can I put a newline in column's header text?

Thanks & Regards,
Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Child Browse position
« on: September 07, 2011, 10:56:37 PM »

I have a few parent-child browses like this:

aaa bbb
aaa bbb
aaa bbb
    ccc ddd
    ccc ddd
    ccc ddd

where aaa is a parent of bbb, bbb is a parent of ccc and ccc is a parent of ddd.

Browse bbb's position is set to 'Right' in the children tab of browse aaa. Browse ccc is set to 'Below' in the children tab of browse bbb. I would like to make browse ccc appear below browse aaa like this:

aaa bbb
aaa bbb
aaa bbb
ccc ddd
ccc ddd
ccc ddd

How can I achieve this?

Thanks & Regards,
Ubaidullah Nubar.


Is it possible to allow the user to sort on more than one column in a NetWebBrowse? Sort of like in a normal Clarion app, the user can click on the header of a column to sort, then holding Ctrl-click on another header will sort within the first sort.

Thanks & Regards,
Ubaidullah Nubar.


I have put a few buttons of type 'save' on a form. I am reading the _buttontext_ value using the following code:


On, FF, it works well but on IE8/9 and Chrome, it returns an empty string. I am checking this in the ValidateRecord routine. Has anyone else noticed this or should I be doing something else to get the _buttontext_ value?

Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Redirecting to specific page
« on: April 08, 2011, 08:35:28 AM »
Hi All and Bruce,

How can I redirect the user to a specific page/form after validating values entered in a form? For example, when a user logs in, I want to be able to redirect them to different pages based on their level.

In php, you can do this:


and it will redirect to, so I could have different destinations based on different conditions.

Thanks & Regards,
Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Lookup from image map/hotspot
« on: December 05, 2010, 10:20:27 AM »

Instead of presenting a list to select from, I want to display an image of a plant and depending on where in the image the user clicked, fill a field with a corresponding value.

How do I go about doing this?

Thanks & Regards,
Ubaidullah Nubar.

Web Server - Ask For Help / Adding locator not working
« on: May 09, 2010, 01:43:57 PM »
Hi all,

I opened up the example app 'ParentChildBrowse (25)'
In 'BrowseCustomers', NetWebBrowse settings, Locators tab,
I set 'Locator Position' to 'Below Browse'
'Locator Type' set to 'Contains'
In the Options tab, set 'Records per page' to 5.

Compiled and ran.

Now when I access the BrowseCustomers page (http://localhost:88/BrowseCustomers), I don't see any locator. I have refreshed the page many times but still nothing.

Nettalk Build 4.49
Clarion 6.3 Build 9052

Please advise me on what I am missing.

Thanks & Regards,
Ubaidullah Nubar.

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]