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Author Topic: Calling Australians / New Zealanders...  (Read 9415 times)


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Calling Australians / New Zealanders...
« on: February 17, 2014, 05:56:50 AM »
Hi Guys,

This post is for all those folks in a "high +GMT time zone".

As you may have noticed we started this year with a new weekly webinar, called the NetTalk User Group Webinar. It's all thanks to the kind folks at ClarionLive who have provided all the facilities for doing it, and encouraged me to do it at all.

One of my goals though was to make the webinar accessible to everyone, regardless of time-zone. To achieve this I do the webinar in alternating time-slots every week. One week the time is friendly for GMT-x people, and the other week it's friendly to GMT+x people.

This means that for people "on the right" this is the first Clarion webinar which occurs at a reasonable time. You've probably not got into the habit of attending webinars, and so you may not have noticed this seminal event. The point of this post is to give you every opportunity to participate in these user group meetings.

The meetings themselves are very informal. I do next to no preparation work, and while I usually have a tip or two lined up, most of the time is driven by attendees asking questions and getting answers. If you're not sure what I mean then I urge you to download and watch the one from last week, which you can find here;

As you can see from that page, the "GMT-" user groups are very well attended, and folks there are getting into the habit of coming with questions to ask. I'd like to see the same demand from the GMT+ folks in order to justify the split-time approach.

So what can you do;
a) Make sure you are registered (
b) Join us this week - we're on at Thursday 5AM GMT.
c) Bring questions! there's no such thing as a bad question, and we need questions from beginners, intermediate and advanced years.

See you there
