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Topics - Thys

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Tree control
« on: December 22, 2023, 02:27:25 AM »
I need to display information in a tree control. I'm not well versed with NT, is there a tree control available, or maybe another external control?


Web Server - Ask For Help / NT11 to NT14 problem in Webserver procedure
« on: August 21, 2023, 12:50:25 AM »

I've upgraded to NT14 from NT11. In my app the webserver procedure still has this template code, which apparently uses a variable that doesn't exist anymore:

  If set:Theme = '' then set:theme = 'ui-lightness'.
  s_web._SitesQueue.Defaults.DefaultTheme = set:theme

There is nowhere in my code a reference to set:theme and it's only exists in the generated code. Any ideas?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Internal error with server
« on: July 17, 2023, 09:21:26 PM »

Our backend server uses NT11 for incoming API calls. The EXE sometime closes without reason (not the problem to discuss here), but the web server then states "Unable to Close connection" in the function NetSimple.CloseServerConnection. What could be the reasons that it can't close "the connection"?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Improving response time for NetWebServiceMethod
« on: December 18, 2021, 03:39:52 AM »

My API app constantly has a 500ms overhead on any HTTP call. This 500ms does not include the work that is done in the ServiceMethod routine. A simple call then ends up taking up to 600ms to respond. I played around with the performance options on the NetWebServer template, but nothing there has the effect to change the response time.

I'm using NT 11.51.


Web Server - Ask For Help / NetAcme in NT11
« on: April 01, 2021, 03:16:00 AM »

I installed NT 11.51 today and compiled an existing app. This app used to compile with an earlier NT 11 build without problem, so I assume the addition of NetAcme causes this:

Unknown identifier: ST:NOPADDING - C:\Clarion11\Accessory\libsrc\win\NetAcme.Clw:635,36

I'm not familiar with NetAcme, maybe I need to add the template somewhere to solve the error?


Web Server - Ask For Help / How to refresh a page when triggered
« on: February 22, 2021, 02:20:24 AM »

I have an always-present drop list in a header control. When the user changes its selection, I would like to reload the IndexPage using the selection as a filter.

It's easy to detect the new selection in the drop list control. But I'm not sure how to refresh the IndexPage from there. Any help please?



I got this problem in NT 11.11, but after installing 11.18, the problem is still there. So I guess it's something in the app that causes the problem.

When compiling the app, I get the error Unknown Variable "%nIncludeMethod". I tried to find the spot in the template where this variable is defined, but could only get it in NETWEB.TPW where it is used. No other file in that folder contains any reference to the variable.

Is there a setting in the app or IDE to define the variable?



Just to make sure, when I setup multiple headers in a NetWebClient object, is the following correct?

net.CustomHeader = 'Content-Type: application/json<13><10>Authorization=1234'

Content-Type and Authorization being the two headers to set up.



I remember that some time ago I reported that by adding an attribute to a DCT column in the External Name, caused problems. The templates used the full external name that includes the attribute, which is wrong.

Attached is a screenshot of such a setup, where the "guid" column in the Organisation table has an External Name value of "guid |READONLY" to instruct the Clarion db driver not to attempt to add a new guid, but let the db do the work. It now seems as if the NetTalk code doesn't return the guid (a PK value) for a newly inserted record in the response:

    "dbOrganisation_response": {
        "ServiceResults": [
                "RESULTACTION": "insert",
                "RESULTTABLE": "Organisation",
                "RESULTRECORDID": "ORG_GUID=",
                "RESULTDESCRIPTION": "success"

Is there another way to get the new guid value? I know Clarion has a way by using PROP:ServerAutoInc. But this also needs additional code which the NetTalk template probably does not have. I really can't remember that it was necessary to do all of this just to get the newly insert guid back, so for now I assume it has to do with the columm attribute in the DCT.



We send out emails in HTML format with images embedded as base64 within the HTML body. In some email client apps (like Outlook) it works fine, but not in Windows Mail - where the image is simply not shown. Here is a sample of the code I use:

ntSMTP.from = smtp:From
ntSMTP.replyTo = smtp:ReplyTo
ntSMTP.toList = grp.RecipientList
ntSMTP.subject = grp.Subject
ntSMTP.attachmentList = LocProc.SetupAttachmentList (grp.AttachmentList)
ntSMTP.messageHtmlST.SetValue (grp.Body)
ntSMTP.ProcessHTMLForImages (GLO:UploadsPath)
ntSMTP.messageTextST.SetValue ('')
ntSMTP.SendMail (NET:EMailMadeFromPartsMode)

Is there maybe some tweak needed for all mail client apps to show the images?

I'm using C11 with NT11.



I get errors in the code that a NetWebServiceMethod generates. In the first attached image, it shows the settings for an input parameter. In the second attached image, it shows where a compile error happens.

Firstly, the text in the generated code is different from the text I have in the parameter. The text used to be 'Last ID (exclusive) from where response is read.' and it is now 'Last Vehicle ID from where response is read.' - which looks like the template "saves" old value in some way or another.

Secondly, the code has two single quotes on each side which shouldn't be like that.

I've tried all of the normal things - like deleting CLW, OBJ etc. - with no improvement. Any suggestions?


Web Server - Ask For Help / NetTalk 11 template variables?
« on: May 21, 2019, 09:28:52 PM »

Attached is a list of "unknown" template variables that are displayed when I compile an app and get errors. I'm not sure in which these variables are used - I did a search in the Clarion11 folder and couldn't find anything. I need to start somewhere, so I thought that NetTalk 11 might be the source.

Can anyone confirm whether these variables are used in NetTalk 11 please?


Web Server - Ask For Help / Page's _SendFile method is called twice
« on: May 14, 2019, 02:29:52 AM »

I have an app Integrat that contains a combination of web services and pages. One specific page is called "DownloadFileEx", that receives a parameter "DocumentID" to indicate which document must be downloaded. An example:

 After investigating why the page is not found in the WebHandler procedure, it seems as if p_web._SendFile is called twice - once for "DocumentFileEx" and a second time for the file to be downloaded "b.txt".

When the second call to p_web._SendFile is made for the file to be downloaded, the routine CaseStart:Integrat does not find something called "b.txt" and returns loc:done = false, meaning that the whole request has an error - which is not true. It seams like the logic to call p_web._SendFile a second time in the WebHandler is wrong - shouldn't it be up to the procedure "DownloadFileEx" to retrieve the file?

This was working in NetTalk 10, not sure how to make this work here.



Using PostgreSQL, when a record is deleted and an error occurs because of a FK constraint, the value of p_web.ErrorCode() is not correct. It seems as of the underlying Clarion values of ERRORCODE(), ERROR(), FILEERRORCODE() and FILEERROR() have been altered because other Clarion statements that have also been executed - and not directly after the DELETE statement.

I get the following back in the error description:

Error occured Deleting the record 30] Entry Not Found 0

which indicates error 30 that is "A GET to a QUEUE has failed" according to Clarion help. The actual error when running the delete against SQL is this:

The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_dbo.TripExpenses_dbo.Trips_trip_ID". The conflict occurred in database "Commalong", table "dbo.TripExpenses", column 'trip_ID'.

So the error in the response does not show the correct reason.



When using MSSQL, new records are added with PK-values that the server allocates (typically using IDENTITY or NEWGUID defaults). In the Clarion dictionary, the READONLY attribute is added to the External Name of the column, which stops the Clarion driver to add the PK column in the INSERT statement. In the InsertRecord: routine, the statement p_web.AddServiceResult () is used to generate the response JSON. But the PK value has not been returned yet at that stage into the file buffer, so the response states the PK-value is zero (in the case of an integer-type).

One way could have been to set the AUTOINCUSESSCOPEIDENTITY option on the table to true, which uses SCOPE_IDENTITY() to return the last insert done on the same connection. But for some reason this does not work and returns an error. So my only solution is to make a call "SELECT @@INDENTITY" right after the insert, and bring the result back into the file buffer. But there is no embed point before the call to AddServiceResult - which would help me to get the inserted PK-value first before the JSON response is generated. Can this embed point be added please?


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