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Topics - Sibuya

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Web Server - Ask For Help / Charset?
« on: November 25, 2020, 07:46:20 PM »
Hi Bruce,

I have hybrid application that runs Desktop and Web Server on the same TPS database. It always worked fine using Secwin.

But with NT 11.44 I upgraded Desktop application as usual and it's running ok but Web Server in SecwinWebLoginForm didn't worked simply closing on *any* input right or wrong user credentials returning to IndexPage withou showing any message. I tried traces in many ponts in SecwinWebLoginForm and seems that I didn't processed any login request in any pont before and after login.

Comparing with web51 example I've noticed that on Web Server settings charset is utf-8 and store data is utf-8 too running ok. Documentation says that store data shouldn't be utf-8 because Web Server can't show correct page code. Is that still correct?

But when I change my application from store "portuguese" to utf-8 Login start to work again but it does not recognizes *any* user denying login and presenting odd characters in the pages when I have accentuation because of charset. So I've returned back storage data to "portuguese" and remains the same allowing login but don't recognizing any user on the same dssw5.tps file that works ok with Desktop application. User names and passwords don't have any latin character.

I'm still using Clarion 8 and I know that it could be a problem but is there any turn around for now?

Thank you.


Web Server - Ask For Help / NT 11.07 updated from NT11.04
« on: March 11, 2019, 12:16:19 PM »

After update a compilation error saying that "" is not found in NetHttp.Clw. I didn't found this file in any place.

Clarion 8 EE.


Best regard,

Marcos Sibuya

Web Server - Ask For Help / NT10 Letsencrypt and DNS
« on: January 12, 2019, 10:56:32 AM »

Port 80 is blocked by my ISP and I'm unable to present challenge to Letsencrypt using http file challenge and Letsencrypt don't allows me to change port number to other than 80.

There's another way to do this using dns challenging where challenge is set in DNS TXT record. I'm using dynamic DNS and with a simple GET I could set and clear DNS TXT record.

Is there a way to use this challenge option?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Marcos Sibuya

Web Server - Ask For Help / NT11 - jFiles 1.72 - Fastmem - InMemory Driver
« on: December 17, 2018, 06:54:33 PM »

Using Clarion 8EE I've made a desktop application using NetSimple Client to read Json from a RFID reader that I should process using InMemory Driver because reader sends a lot of packets very fast.

I was using jFiles to get fields data but application crashed with GPF when using jFiles. Adding Fastmem get worse. Sometimes trace gave me messages saying "JSONClass.HandleChar: Unexpected literal ("E") at position 3 ...." from json {"E":"000000000000000000883703","R":-7090,"A":1} and same message literal ("v") from json {"version": "18.615", "app_uptime": "9950001"}. I don't have GPF Reporter but seeing at registers values I saw that was callings from jfiles lib. I don't know if this occurs when another json message arrived when jFiles is still processing the old message.

I have threads (windows lauched by START) that write to memory tables, other that delete or update records and others that reads all data from memory tables.

IMDD says that is thread safe but when accessing tables from threads I got GPF.

Solved by doing the following:

- Not using jFiles stopped trace messages "Unexpected literal" and got lesser GPF. Replaced by SUB and INSTRING.
- All IMDD accesses sync'd with mutex got lesser GPF.
- When closing app with child windows opened accessing memory tables (emulating user behavior) got GPF. I have to not to use Fastmem and using MDI Synchronization template.

After all of this I got an application reasonable stable.

To process these fast json messages I got message from NetSimple/Process and pass to another thread to deal with memory tables in another thread.

Depending on quantity of tags that enters in the reader field it could generate hundreds of messages per second that could reach a thousand. In my tests an average o one or two hundreds per second.

Is there another way to process these fast messages?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Marcos Sibuya

Web Server - Ask For Help / Basic Mobile and Clarion 8EE
« on: November 19, 2018, 04:46:44 AM »
Hi Bruce,

I'm trying to run Basic Mobile but menu icon is not displayed. When I run mBuild it says that http://localhost:88/themes/seven/'/styles/images/Hamburger-262626.png' is not found.

When compiling any example in NT11.1 my Clarion 8EE could't copy Openssl.exe to web folder. I have to copy manually.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Web Server - Ask For Help / Let's Encrypt
« on: November 01, 2018, 02:51:34 PM »

I'm using Clarion 8 + NT9.31 and got Let's Encrypt certificate with 3rd party software verified by DNS. I'm using dynamic DNS because this is a POC. Didn't touch in any dll or component from NT.

Browsers can access the secure server example based on Example 9 (Always TLS) and open https pages without complaint.

I have a customer that wants his Web site on Wix to send form data to this Clarion server and should be https using node module fetch on Wix side.

The problem is that fetch commando does not have access to Clarion server giving timeout of 14 seconds. Browsers pointing to dynamic DNS can access it.

I testes with all 4 test tools mentioned in NT documentation but Sophos cannot connect to server and times out, Htbridge's SSLScan says that server don't have SSL/TLS, SSLLab cannot connect to server. SSLScan.exe (very old) can identify the certificate and show it's informations.

Tried without any success disabling Firewall or changing  NT configurations.

Plesase, could any one give me directions?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Marcos Sibuya

Web Server - Ask For Help / Web Server and Oracle
« on: May 11, 2018, 05:38:34 PM »
I have an application running NT NetSimple with Oracle without any problems using Instant ClientV11.2.0.1. Application gets Oracle data using SQL:Prop.

When trying to migrate using NT WebServer it crashes with access violation 0x00000005 when trying to get the same data using Service Method and same SQL:PROP expression.

At beginning I thought that it might be Instant Client and tried to use last version V12.2.0.1 (32 bits) without any success.

Is there any adivce to this migration?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Marcos Sibuya

NT 9.31 + Clarion 8 Enterprise

Web Server - Ask For Help / Mobile using web25 example
« on: February 23, 2017, 11:41:01 AM »

I can't delete a line item. Seems to be that is not resolving on how to show a confirmation for delete. How to show any kind of confirmation? How to debug in mobile? Firebug mobile emulation is showing the confirmation.

I couldn't swipe horizontally to see line itens list. So I went to WS settings and disabled header/footer fixed for browses and forms. Is this the correct way?

When mobile's browser Chrome changes to navigate as desktop mode is ok. When trying to change back it blinks a javascript error and WS stuck in mobile mode even accessing by destop browser that turns into mobile mode. I have to shutdown WS and execute again to reset. How to prevent this?

Thank you.

Best regards,


Web Server - Ask For Help / WS examples
« on: January 28, 2017, 05:52:12 PM »

Could anyone help me to find:

- WebSocket examples and documentation? I want to build the amazing examples from Webinar 291.
- Chat example using WS? I found using NetAuto in desktop app but not in WS.

I have Clarion 8EE/NT 9.17

Thank you.

Best regards,


Web Server - Ask For Help / NT 9.09 receive Ajax Json and answer
« on: May 27, 2016, 07:59:45 AM »

I'm working with a 3rd party JavaScript component that works with promises. So I have to receive an Ajax call with GET/POST with text or Json get data and I have to answer with text or Json too. Could anyone give me directions on how to get Ajax postings/data and how to answer?


    method: 'GET',
    url: '/SecwinLoginForm?parameter',
    success: onSuccess,
    error: onError


    method: 'POST',
    url: '/SecwinLoginForm',
    data: JSON.stringfy({
        data1: parameter1,
        data2: parameter2
    contentType: 'application/json',
    success: onSuccess,
    error: onError

In WebHandler I try to get in ProcessGet but it does not enter in it.

Thank you.


Web Server - Ask For Help / Form to Form different record
« on: May 02, 2016, 05:36:11 PM »

Based on example 24 attached I have a situation in that I have to show SecondForm as a record different from the FirstForm based on new record value resulting from processing some data in FirstForm. I Changed the example 24 adding a field loc:newrec in FirstForm and try to “catch” in SecondForm priming the value of index field record in this case MailboxNumber but no success.

Tried creating a SessionValue ‘loc:newrec’ with a new record to show and call SecodForm as a link from FirstForm as : ‘SecondForm?change_btn=change&_bidv_=' & p_web.AddBrowseValue('FirstForm','MailBoxes', MAI:PrimaryKey,p_web.GSV('loc:newrec')) but no success too.

I think that I didn’t understood how NT “remembers” the file settings that a parent pass to a child procedure (handle).

In real application there's a menu that calls a LoginForm. Login will define customer record then opens a second form with customer's data.

How could I do this?

Thank you.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Google Cloud Platform - Load Balance
« on: April 22, 2016, 03:15:24 PM »

I have to deploy an NT app that will have to deal with a lot of connections and I'm testing GCP Load Balance and Automatic Scaling. For your first project you earn 300 bucks to be spent in 60 days.

Using a single VM machine it's ok but when adding VMs to the pool GCP is breaking a desktop NT app sending wrong session pages to client side. It seems that GCP is switching VMs in the middle of a session and loosing sequence.

Does anyone had an experience with GCP using Load Balance and Automatic Scaling?

Thank you.



Web Server - Ask For Help / Capturing JavaScript Event
« on: April 04, 2016, 03:47:43 PM »

I'm using an applet that reads a Digital Certificate and is working fine in LoginForm. I used two SetSessionValue (JavaScript from netweb.js) that sends two variables as a two GET messages to the server. But I could not found a way to catch them in LoginForm.

In WebHandler I can get it these two variables by GetValue and Store in SessionVariables. But LoginForm does not receive them until I call the applet again.

Sometimes these variables are sent to the server by two different threads because their generation does not occurs at the same time.

Could anyone help me where I can put a code to catch these variables in LoginForm?

Thank you,


Web Server - Ask For Help / Re: Post messages to the client
« on: April 04, 2016, 08:23:42 AM »
Hi Bruce and Jari,

Posting using JavaScript:

p_web.Script('window.alert("Your message")')

will broke anything?

I'm sending a message to user from inside WebHandler as a result from processinglink but I have some troubles trying to catch only one event. Seems that processinglink is called multiple times in the same thread an in other thread based on GetValue that came in GET message for example.



Web Server - Ask For Help / NetWebServerWorker
« on: March 28, 2016, 04:34:24 PM »

Sorry for my ignorance, I'm new in NT. But I would like to know where I find documentation about NetWebServerWorker.

I would like to know for example what is the difference between SetSessionValue and SSV and some other methods like Script and so on.

Thank you.



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