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Topics - DonRidley

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Web Server - Share Knowledge / Created an CSS and JS Minfier/gZipper
« on: August 03, 2023, 08:30:06 AM »

Note: Does not validate CSS or JavaScript

iOS 16.4 Updates

This update includes the following enhancements and bug fixes:

*  21 new emoji including animals, hand gestures, and objects are now available in emoji keyboard
*  Notifications for web apps added to the Home Screen
*  Voice Isolation for cellular calls prioritizes your voice and blocks out ambient noise around you
*  Duplicates album in Photos expands support to detect duplicate photos and videos in an iCloud Shared Photo Library
*  VoiceOver support for maps in the Weather app
*  Accessibility setting to automatically dim video when flashes of light or strobe effects are detected
*  Fixes an issue where Ask to Buy requests from children may fail to appear on the parent's device
*  Addresses issues where Matter-compatible thermostats could become unresponsive when paired to Apple Home
*  Crash Detection optimizations on iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro models

Modified NetTalk File Upload example application demonstrating the use of Javascript to capture upload events.

Also shows how OpenCV.js can be used to perform client side image modifications.

Hope you find this useful.

Web Server - Share Knowledge / SVG-CSS Utility
« on: June 16, 2022, 02:33:23 PM »
Hello Everyone,

Bruce demonstrated a long time ago a way to use CSS to reference embedded images in an SVG file.  Then use the CSS to display icons in a NetTalk web application.

Instead of manually creating the CSS file, I put together a small app to assist in creating the file.

It's nothing spectacular but maybe someone can find it useful.

Have a great day!

You will have to modify line 3332 of NetWeb.clw and add orof 'button' to allow a button to exist in the header.

You can see a demo of it here:

Login is demo and demo

Be sure to put the site in “mobile” mode and check out the menu.


Try compiling in DLL mode vs LIB mode under project properties.


Comment out this line in NetHttp.clw in the NetWebHttp.CreateAuthorizationStringVapid method:


I thought I would share these with anyone who is interested.  Big thank you to Bruce for giving me a few clues.  Also, thanks to Steve Parker for sharing some of his date/time methods with me (converted to JavaScript).  I am no JS expert so feel free to modify or fix as needed.

function getClarionTime(clariontime) {
   var d = new Date(),
   clariontime = parseInt((d.getTime() - d.setHours(0,0,0,0)) / 10)
   return clariontime;

function getClarionDate(clariondate) {
   thisdate = new Date();
   day = thisdate.getDay();
   month = thisdate.getMonth()+1;
   year = thisdate.getYear();
   date = Date(year,month,day);
   clariondate = parseInt(((Date.parse(date) / 86400) / 1000) + 61730);
   return clariondate;

function createStarDate(date,time,stardate) {
   //needs to be Clarion Date/Time
   stardate = date + (time / 8640000)
   return stardate;

function createRbnFromDateTime(date,time,rbn) {
   //needs to be Clarion Date/Time
   rbn = parseInt(time + (date * 8640000))
   return rbn;


Web Server - Share Knowledge / NetTalk and OnsenUI Example
« on: April 08, 2019, 05:05:31 AM »
Thought y'all might like this.


If you want to play around with different OnsenUI elements, check out the following link.  Select an element from the drop down.

Example app:
Clarion 11.0.13401
NT 11.07
StringTheory 3.06


Hello All,

Those who have been using NetTalk's API functionality are probably aware of what I am about to describe.  However, for those new to NetTalk or new to using API's, this post is for you.

We often find ourselves in the position of developing an application needing access to data on a web server.  The application could be a desktop, mobile, or web based app.  One reaches a point in the development process where you need to contruct a request for that data.  The request could be SOAP, REST, Javascript, or using a NetWebClient.  If you're new to this, you may not know how to construct these requests.  Enter the NetTalk API server's auto generated documentation.

If your follow the documentation for creating a NetTalk API server you can easily create this ability in just a few minutes.  The NetTalk NetWebService/NetWebServiceMethod templates automatically create documentation for your API requests.  This documentation is easily accessed via a URL. 

Here's some examples from my NetTalk API server:

A Javascript POST request with JSON response:

function syncdevicelocations_getjson(host,urldata,result){
  fetch(host + "/syncdevicelocations" +"?" + urldata, {
    credentials: "include",
    headers: {
      "Accept": "application/json;",
  }).then(function(response){ // get the text out of the reply
    return response.text()
  }).then( function(text){
    // do something with the text reply
var host = ""

Same request using NetWebClient:

net.ContentType = 'application/json'

My point is that you don't have to guess as to how to construct your request.  NetTalk tells you how to construct it!  That pretty darn cool in my book! 

As I said, many are familiar with this, but hopfully this will save some time and headaches for the API newbies.

Take care and have fun with your NetTalk API server!


Web Server - Share Knowledge / Modal Dialog CSS Tips
« on: October 08, 2018, 01:50:29 AM »
Good read on modal dialog styling:

Example app attached. 


Hello All,

I have been attempting to create a disconnected mobile app.

mBuild works great.  PhoneGap works great.  The app installs to my iPhone 7 quite easily.  App runs on my phone with no issues except...

I can enter data in my phone and the data arrives at my server fine.

Data entered server side does not arrive at my phone.

The apps are wizarded apps.

This is not a showstopper issue.  Just testing and learning.

I'm about 80% sure I'm doing something wrong but I have tried everything I can think of.

Any input would be appreciated,


As mentioned in NetTalk User Group webinar on 5/17/2018.

I threw this app together the morning of the webinar so it may be a little rough around the edges.   :)

ZIP file attached.

NetTalk 10.21
String Theory

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